The Favour

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Katara's POV

Azula's stupid favour came out of nowhere, I know I don't really need to do what she wants because Aang is now fully aware of what happened at The Oasis, but I'm sure she'll find some other way to hurt Aang, so I should get this favour over and done with.

So far all she's told me to do is get dressed up and meet her at this fancy restaurant, it doesn't seem like a terrible favour, but I'm still going to have my wits about me, a weird date with Azula it is.

She even got a car sent to pick me up, with her inside.

"Katara, you look perfect", She smiled slyly as she moved over a seat for me to sit beside her in the back of the car. "I'm surprised that you're still holding up your end of the bargain", she genuinely did sound surprised, why? And ew I never want her to compliment me again.

"Well, when I make a promise, I keep it, doesn't matter who I make it to", I shrugged and carefully sat beside her, pulling my dress down as I sit so it doesn't ride up, stupid thighs why do you hate my dresses. "Anyway I won't be holding up any more ends tonight, including my own, is that understood?", I looked at her and spoke sternly.

"Sure thing princess", She smirked back at me then looked out of the window as the car started driving. Azula wasn't wearing anything smart, she won't be allowed into the restaurant if she isn't all dolled up like me, score I guess?

"So are we swinging by your place? So you can get ready for our gross little date", I felt myself gag slightly as I finished my sentence, she turned back to look at me with pure amusement on her face, ah crap I got the favour wrong.

"You thought you were going on a date with me? Aww that's cute Katara, did you want to go out with me?", she questioned whilst she struggled to hold in her laughter. God she's so annoying. "I'm flattered but I'm not interested".

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you'd jump on me if I gave you the chance to. No. Wait, If I'm not going out with you, who am I going with?", I raised a brow, is this her big favour? Making me go on a date with someone? "What's the catch?", I frowned, getting nervous about her plans.

"You'll see", She chuckled and leant over, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear like she did at Iroh's, she likes touching a lot huh? I feel like she won't answer anymore of my questions. Azula turned back to the window, continuing to make me uncomfortable by her presence.

I decided to stay quiet for the rest of the car journey, even Azula didn't say anything else, she seemed very focused. There's now this dreaded feeling lingering in my gut like I sense something terrible is going to happen.

"Here", Azula spotted the restaurant entrance and ordered the chauffeur to pull over to allow us to get out. "Enjoy your dinner, your date is wearing a panda lily, I'll see you later", She sent me another sly smile before the chauffeur opened the door to let me out. She isn't coming? I'm thankful but also even more scared, I would prefer to walk in with someone I know at least.

"Alright", I stepped out and fixed my dress again, I looked back at her but the smile faded as the door shut, and just like that the car was gone. How was this a favour? She's literally paying for me to eat some of the best food in the city and all I have to do is share it with some random, I just need to shake off this gut feeling and the awkwardness should disappear as soon as I max out Azula's card, I'm for sure not paying for this trash.

Turns out the restaurant was below ground, what kind of restaurant is in the basement? it felt weird standing in an elevator with one guy who was dressed up like a butler, he was there because he's the only person who's allowed to press the buttons, so creepy.

"You must have a rollercoaster of a day, going up and down all the time", I laughed to clear the awkward silence but all he did was dryly cough then the silence returned. Nice going Katara you should be a comedian.

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