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Katara's POV

I can't begin to explain how I feel. I keep thinking of what Sokka said, like my mind is torturing me by replaying the memory in my head like it's some sort of film. I got into Aang's place, I needed to just breathe and calm myself down, so I went to the kitchen pacing back and forth.

"Katara?", Aang spoke out to the apartment, I really don't need him right now, I need to be alone. "Hey, how're you doing?", he found me in the kitchen and watched me pace.

"Not now Aang", I continued to pace, did Sokka really think of me like that or was it just a reaction? I thought he loved me, we argue sure, but not like this.

"Maybe you should sit down", Aang was clearly only trying to help, but I couldn't really listen to anything he was saying, I ignored him and didn't respond. "Katara..", he frowned and continued to watch me, "Katara", he stepped closer. "Katara!", he grabbed my arms so I stood still, he was right in front of me with very little room in between us.

I looked into his eyes with tears rolling down my cheeks, I tried to get out of his grip but failed, I hanged my head and sobbed, I should pack my bags and go home, I was only here for Sokka, and if he doesn't want me around, what's the point?

Aang rested his head against mine and took a deep breath, "remember to breathe", he closed his eyes and spoke softly, he was pretty good at making me calm, but me having a huuuge crush on the guy probably could be a reason why he's so good at it.

I did as he said, taking deep breaths and calmed myself down to stop myself from crying.

"Why don't you get ready for bed? That could make you feel better", Aang smiled opening his eyes again and looking back at me, I nodded and moved away, I walked into the bedroom and took some clothes, going into the bathroom to change.

When I returned to the bedroom, Aang was stood beside the bed, I blushed lightly but didn't say anything, getting into bed and watching his every move, he smiled and then took off his shirt.

I guess we're sharing the bed, I looked away turning over and blushing deeply, although thoughts of Sokka hating me clouded my mind, my heart couldn't help but beat louder and louder, reminding me of my feelings for Aang.

"You feeling a little better?", Aang got into bed and moved up behind me, his body against my back, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me in closer, god I feel so much better now that this is happening.

I didn't answer him, I actually forgot he asked me something, I stared at the wall as I kept thinking, unable to stop, I'm sorry Sokka.

"Can I do anything to help?", he spoke softly, his hand moving to my inner thigh, my thought immediately vanished, he wants this? Now?

"Aang..", I looked over my shoulder to see him, he was grinning, am I attractive when I'm upset? Why is he in this mood?

"Do you want me to stop?", he asked with one eye brow raised, his hand moving further up my thigh, I bit my lip not knowing if this is the right thing, but at the same time he's distracting me, and I'm pretty sure I want this, I want him.

I didn't have time to think, I needed to answer him if I don't want him to carry on, there's too much conflict with my thoughts.

I grabbed his hand and sighed, "not now, I don't think I'm ready for this, nor am I in the right head space, I'm sorry", I must've disappointed him.

"Hey it's cool, don't get worked up about it I understand, you're not into it so I won't force you that would be stupid", he chuckled softly and stretched. "plus it doesn't mean it'll never happen, I've got something to look forward to".

I blushed deeply and shook my head, "don't get your hopes up", I smirked softly and looked away again.

"Hmm well guess I'll just have to see then", he shrugged with a yawn, "so how're you feeling now?", he turned over to face me.

"Actually, I'm feeling a lot better", I turned back to face him but saw he was asleep, how can he fall asleep so quickly? I shook my head and shuffled closer to him, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes.

Maybe this relationship is going in the right direction.

Suki's POV

After both Katara and Aang left Sokka hid himself away in the kitchen, Toph and I were going to wait for him to come out so we could talk, but he stayed there, hour after hour after hour, eventually Toph began to get tired.

"I'm going to bed, I'm too tired to wait any longer", she stretched as she stood up and walked to her bedroom door.

"See you in the morning Toph", I sighed keeping my eyes on the kitchen.

"See you never", she yawned closing the door behind her.

I'm nervous about that girl that was here earlier, just her presence along with Katara's sisterly protectiveness Sokka's acting like a grouchy teenaged boy. If he isn't coming out, I'm going in.

I got to my feet and walked in, seeing Sokka leant against the counter with his arms crossed, he didn't look up when I walked in.

"Hey", I watched him sigh and put in the effort to look up at me.

"What do you want Suki?", he turned away and opened the fridge to look for something to snack on.

"Maybe some manners? I wouldn't mind some of those", I frowned, I don't like this attitude, especially from him.

"Look I'm in a bad mood and I've already hurt one persons feelings I can hurt yours too if you hang around me", he kept searching for scraps in the fridge.

I rolled my eyes and shut the fridge door raising a brow at him, "what would that do?", I stepped in front of him. "Telling people to go away instead of you actually sorting yourself out is just dumb Sokka, snap out of it", I was about to step forward again but he pushed me up against the counter.

He planted his lips firmly on to my own, as much as I wanted this to happen I couldn't let it, I can't let a brat have their way.

I pushed him back and panted slightly looking at him sternly, "you shouldn't be around that girl if this is what happens to you when you see her", he looked at me then took a deep breath.

"You're just jealous", he mumbled, but he spoke clear enough for me to understand him.

"Jealous?", that word, it lit a flame in me, a flame so strong that I could burn down a whole forest. I stood there with my brows furrowed and fists clenched.

"See I told you I would hurt you", he turned away and began to walk away, oh no you don't.

Hurt? That's cute, he thinks he hurt me, it takes a lot more then that pretty boy. "Oh I'm not hurt at all, you barely got a scratch on me, I'm furious", I gritted my teeth and pulled him back putting him in a headlock with ease.

"What's with you?", he groaned slightly as he tried to shake me off but failed, "Suki!", he yelled out.

"Suki!", I heard a familiar voice and looked back over my shoulder, "Suki!", it was a small yet sweet voice, a familiar voice, someone I have fond memories with.

As I was distracted Sokka got out of my grasp and looked me up and down, "I want you to leave", he spoke sternly.

The voice faded away, I looked back at him and nodded doing as he said, collecting my things and leaving the apartment.

"Jealous", I sighed and shook my head standing in the hallway.

What was with that word? And that voice? I might have ruined every chance I had with Sokka.

God dammit Suki.

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