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Ty Lee's POV

I lay beside Azula in bed, watching the ceiling as we both catch our breath, my body was shaking as I was panting, but I wasn't warm. I was cold, my skin felt like ice, and my chest was tight, this always happens, I regret everything.

As my breath started to return back to normal I sat up slowly, "pretty good huh?", Azula spoke, still breathless, I didn't respond and shuffled to the edge of the bed so I could stand.

"Hey? What are you doing?", she raised a brow and moved over to sit behind me. She moved her hands up my back to rub my shoulders, I could feel her hot breath on my neck, I shuddered as I snapped back to the room and situation I was in.

"Leaving", I moved away from her but stayed on the bed, I needed to take some more time before I decide to stand.

"Leaving? Oh no we've got more time, come on get back here", Azula beckoned me over as she lay back on the bed with her arms open wide, ready to lock me in her hold.

"We don't, Mai and Zuko will be back any second", I shook my head and began to stand, Azula dragged me back quickly so I fell onto the bed.

"Don't make me beg, you're usually the one who wants more of me", she smirked cupping my cheek, her other hand resting on my chest, my breath was shallow.

"Oh really? Well I wasn't the one who was on my knees earlier", I furrowed my brows and sat back up continuing to move away from her.

"Wow okay, I mean you were pretty rough tonight but I didn't think you'd actually talk about what's wrong", she shrugged as she watched me move away.

"You never ask me, that's why I never talk about what's on my mind", I took in a deep breath looking away from her.

"Well then, what's wrong?", I could feel her eyes on me, but I'm glad it's not her hands.

"This, this is wrong 'Zula", I looked down at my hands in my lap as I sat on the edge of the bed again. "This always happens, and I feel worse with each time it does", I bit my lip trying to keep my emotions back.

"What are you talking about?", she didn't sound concerned, she sounds like she just wants me to stop talking, but I won't, not this time. "Just get back here and let's continue huh?".

"No 'Zula", I stood up and began to get changed, "you've played with my feelings for too long. Every time we do this I ask and beg to be yours, when we are in bed it's like we're together and you want me, but when it's finished, you leave me and continue living each day as if you this never happens and you never want it", I shook my head in anger.

"I do want it. why do you think it keeps happening?", she laughed lightly as she watched me.

"When you're done with playing with me you're fine, but when you leave me behind all I think about is you, all I want is you", I looked over at her with small tears in my eyes, it hurts even more to see her smirking as if she doesn't believe my honest feelings.

"Ty Lee", she laughed again and sat up.

"And do you know what irritates me most? The fact you are never with anyone else, that you tease me and make me feel special when I'm actually just your toy, whilst I go around and pick up anything I can find just to fill the stupid void that you left inside of me", I huffed stood in my bra and panties, holding my hair back from my face.

"What kind of void?", she still finds this funny?

"I need love, I need someone to care about me, and if it isn't you then it's everyone else", I quickly put my hair up. "But I've tried my best to stop caring, now I make sure I never enjoy doing this with you, that I remove all feelings from it", I wiped my eyes hastily.

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