Horrifying Halloween Herbal

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Suki's POV

It happened within seconds. He leant in and as soon as her arms reached out I knew that it was over. Every chance I had to rebuild my relationship with Sokka was gone, and I wasn't upset. I wasn't disappointed either, nor angry at Toph for making her move. I'm relieved. To know there's nothing left for me with him is a deep feeling of serenity. I could move on like some sort of ghost that's trapped in the worst moment of their life, forever stuck in their grieving, but has now found the light.

I am happy for them both, I hope they make each other happy, and I'll support them each step along the way. But right now is their time to really connect with each other. "I'll let you get on, I'm sure you don't need my help right now", I chuckled and walked away from them, taking one last look over my shoulder to see Sokka lift Toph up in his arms. Holding onto her like she's all he needs to survive. They're a good match, besotted with each other, as they should be. 

I spotted a ginormous white cloud sitting at the bar, whoever they are really pulled out all the stops with their costume, I got closer to observe their huge outfit up close, quickly realising it's Aang. How did he make this beast of fabric? Ive been with him the past couple of days and he's seemed too busy to put effort into something like this. No idea what he is though.

"Moby-Dick?", I laughed as I put one arm around Aang's shoulders, he pulled a face at me then laughed with me, turning from whoever he was talking to on his other side.

"Very funny, wait I could've sworn I've seen you in that outfit before? Maybe you're a true Kyoshi warrior after all", Aang sarcastically bit back at me with a sly grin on his face. I could wipe that smile off so quickly he wouldn't even see it coming. 

"Maybe I am a Kyoshi warrior, you should be afraid ice berg", I mocked his costume yet again, he rolled his eyes in response and shook his head, muttering and calling me childish under his breath. as he talked to himself I looked back at who he was talking to, noticing them lift their helmet as they drank from their tea cup. Oh my god. I grabbed onto Aang's shoulder for support. I can't believe he's really here. I can't believe Aang's civilly been talking to him. "A-Aang".

"Aang, I need to talk to you", Katara pushed open the kitchen doors in front of us and stood on the other side of the bar, looking determined and demanding Aang's attention. Azula and Mai soon were behind her after following her out of the kitchen.

"Katara!", Azula charged after her and grabbed onto her arm, beginning to pull her back into the kitchen. "This is a bad idea and you know it is, we need to think it over some more", she pleaded her to stop whatever she was planning to do, what's going on in this tea shop tonight? Will someone spill the tea?? Not literally but y'know.

"Katara?", Both Aang and the supposed masked stranger spoke in unison and stood up at the same time, extremely eager to talk to her. They stopped and looked at each other, confused to why they both reacted the same way, sparking off each others territorial and toxic masculinity. "What? Katara what's happened?", the spoke together again, only putting more fuel on the raging fire within both of them, who are so desperate to talk to Katara.

"Aang is it? What've you got to do with her? What have you done to her?", Jet spoke and got closer to Aang, pushing all the wrong buttons to irritate the hell out of the avatar. This can only end badly for everyone.

"I haven't hurt her, have I?", Aang scanned the room for someone to respond to him and tell him what he wants to hear, but Katara remained silent, obviously unsure of finding the right words. "What's wrong?", Aang caught the scared look in her eye and turned his attention back to her, if he thinks he's harmed her like he did in the oasis he could lose it big time. 

"Aang", I tapped on his shoulder, I need to tell him that it's Jet. Not just some random man thinking he's in love with her. If I tell him maybe he'll forget about the fact he could've hurt Katara in anyway. He's so fragile about protecting her, he'll breakdown if he listens to anymore lies coming out through the worst words to possible let him hear.

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