The Spirit Oasis pt 2

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Katara's POV

Zuko!? How on earth did he magically turn up at The Spirit Oasis? What is his role in this? well whatever it is I need to stop him from getting arrested.

"hey? what are you doing here?", I rushed to him before any of the warriors could get their bending on him, he looked furious for some reason, he better calm down before he gets anyone mad.

"Katara! I followed the cars with my uncle, he thought we should be your backup in this crazy place", he pulled a face of disgust at our surroundings and people within it, he's more like Azula like I thought it seems.

"Um guys? what is going on?", Suki walked to us, wiping the blood from under her nose.

"well we didn't need our fire bending body guard tonight, thank you", I sarcastically rolled my eyes at his stinky attitude as I kept my eyes on the warriors movements. "He's just confused, he won't cause any more trouble, he was just worried about our wellbeing after y'know being kidnapped", I explained to them, hoping that they would lower their guard.

"No way are we taking that crap miss, he's Zuko, son of Firelord Ozai", one of the guards argued, Firelord? Have I been under some sort of rock? How did I not recognise the name when Azula was being a brat at Aunt Wu's?

"that's Prince Zuko to you", Zuko placed his hand on my shoulder and pushed me to the side whilst stepping toward the warriors, he really needs to control his ego, why is it that now he's in front of a load of water benders he is suddenly addressing himself as a Prince, his stupid fire is really showing.

The arms of the warriors were raised, ready to attack. "Woah! Okay you don't have to do that, let's all calm it down here", I raised my voice so they could all hear me but yet they still chose to ignore me, I can't persuade them, do they not know the risks here? 

"you will not touch a hair on my nephew's head", Iroh walked over and stood beside Zuko, he should stop this conflict right? he's the embodiment of peace and contentment. 'If you dare, I will cremate you all and season my future meals with your ashes", he threatened but stayed calm, oh brother this isn't good.

Then the sky changed, the world was darkening, people are going ballistic and running into each other whilst trying to leave The Oasis, the main source of light was behind us, I turned back to see... Aang!?

What is happening to him?? I lost my breath for a second, the light was beautiful, it felt like my eyes were playing a trick on me, he was protected by was seemed like an orb of air, circling around him as he levitated  in his place, his eyes are white and empty whilst his tattoos glowed the same colour, is he safe like that? I need to go to him.

The warriors were horrified by Aang's transformation, they weakly stood still, paralysed out of fear, "Yue? Commands?", a guard asked Yue who was also staring at Aang, "Commands!?", they repeatedly asked her, she wasn't listening, she can't be responsible for the next move. She doesn't know what to do at all, why are they relying on her?? "Should we attack?", the guard turned away from Yue and directed his question to the others, they looked at them but didn't make a sound.

Whilst Aang's orb grew stronger, time was running out to come to a conclusion, the guards were getting increasingly afraid, "no, do not attack him, that is the avatar!", Iroh made his voice heard and hoped to convince them by announcing who Aang really is, but it didn't change their minds.

"He could kill us like that, kill our Tribe, our warriors and people, there is no way I am going to sit by and let this continue", the guard yelled back at Iroh and then faced Yue again, "should we attack?", he asked.

Yue finally took her eye's off Aang, she looked me in the eye's, she's shaking like crazy. I looked back at her and shook my head, she doesn't want to do this, she must know it isn't right. Her eyes began to water and she looked back at Aang, her mouth opened and quivered before she spoke, "attack", she choked as she let her tears roll down her cheeks.

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