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'Your Highness' is season 2 of 'The Mute Prince'. So if you are a new reader then please read 'The Mute Prince' before you start reading 'Your Highness'



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✧ Kim Taehyung

- Prince of Delan Kingdom
- Has a bright and bubbly personality



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✧ Min Dani ( YN )

- Princess of Buyeo Kingdom
- Has a bright and bubbly personality



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✧ Min Yoongi

- King of Buyeo Kingdom
- Has a cold personality
- Is a soft person only for his sister



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✧ Kim Namjoon

- Prince Taehyung's bodyguard
- Chief Guard of the palace
- Has a kind personality



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✧ Jeon Jungkook

- Namjoon & Taehyung's close friend
- Prince Taehyung's bodyguard



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✧ Park Jimin

- Angel
- YN's friend
- Mischievous
- Has a bright and bubbly personality



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✧ Jung Hoseok

- Angel
- YN's friend
- Has a kind personality


[ ^ Swipe up to read the Teaser ^ ]



I have not yet edited this story. So you will find many errors in it.

If any particular scene creates confusion in your mind then let me know in the comment section.

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