✧ Flashback ✧

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Part 19


----Devontae Kingdom----

Dani's Chamber


Dani slowly opens her eyes and sees Hoseok and Seokjin sitting on either side of her bed.

Seokjin: Dani are you okay?

Hoseok: Dani how are you feeling right now?

Dani: I am fine.

Hoseok: ( He sighs in relief ) Thank god!

Dani let's go back to Buyeo kingdom.

Seokjin: What? ( He looks at Hoseok I'm surprise )

Seokjin: But Dani is going to stay here for few more days. ( He looks at Dani ) Right, Dani?

Dani: Seokjin Orabeoni! Hoseok Orabeoni! Listen to me firs- Ahh... ( She holds her head when she feels a sharp pain in her head )

Hoseok: What's wrong Dani? ( He asked worriedly )


Dani closes her eyes tightly and starts seeing some blurry images at first but then everything is clearly visible to her.

----Dani's Flashback----

Man: I have a new mission for you. And this mission is your last mission.

Woman: Last Mission? Really?

Man: Yes!

--Scene Changed--

Man: If you defeat chief guard Yoongi in sword fighting then I will hire you.

Girl: I am ready to have a sword fight with him.

--Scene Changed--

YN: How long do I have to pretend for this injury?

Jimin: At least for a week.

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