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All's well that ends wellto end up with you

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All's well that ends well
to end up with you.


After Sehrish was done eating the pudding, she went to Zoya.

"Mama, we have to watch Beauty and the Beast." She reminded her.

Zoya looked to and fro from her laptop and Sehrish. They had planned that they'd watch the movie together, but her work demanded her attention at the moment. And it was unavoidable.

"Sweetie, can we watch it in the evening?"

That made Sehrish pout. "But you promised me. I wanna watch it now."

"I know, Sehru. But mama has to work now." Zoya tried to make her understand while simultaneously working on the presentation.

Sehrish pouted some more and sadly went to sit on the couch. Her hands folded on her chest. Shahveer looked at the little child and sat near her. "Princess?"

No response from Sehrish.

He lightly poked her hand, which she ignored as well.

"Mama is busy, Sehrish." He told her softly.

"But she promised." Sehrish said again, and glared in Zoya's direction.

Zoya sighed helplessly, seeing her daughter upset. And Shahveer understood that she was feeling a little guilty for not being able to give time to Sehrish.

"How about.." He made Sehrish look at him, "you and I watch the movie together?"

And suddenly there was a smile on Sehrish's face. "Really? You would watch it with me?"

"Yes, of course." He nodded enthusiastically.

"Yaay," Sehrish said loudly.

"But first, popcorn." Shahveer stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. Zoya gave him a glad smile and muttered a thanks, to which he replied with a nonchalant shrug.

"Third shelf from the left," She told him where the packets of popcorn were kept. He grabbed a salted and a butter one and threw them in the microwave. He also brought out his phone from his pocket and sent a text to his friend apologizing that they'd have to cancel today's plan. He was supposed to meet his friend in an hour, but Sehrish's sad face couldn't let him leave. If he had to watch a disney movie on his weekend rather than chilling with his friends to make her happy, then be it.

Fifteen minutes later, Shahveer and Sehrish were cuddled up on the couch with a blanket as the opening credits rolled on the TV screen. Zoya, knowing that her baby wasn't upset anymore, could work in peace.

Throughout the movie, she noticed that Sehrish kept talking about the movie with Shahveer, and he genuinely listened and gave his inputs. And seeing them together made her realize that there was no denying anymore that she liked him.

And it was too late to stop.

Around the climax, Zoya was done with her work and she decided to join the two for the rest of the movie. Sehrish's head was resting on Shahveer's chest. When Zoya came and sat beside Sehrish, she smiled at her mother and held her hand.

When the movie ended, Sehrish's eyes were closed.

"Princess?" Shahveer whispered, to which Sehrish hummed back in a very sleepy voice.

"Should I put her to bed?" He asked Zoya.

She nodded and he carefully picked up the child. Then he walked to her nursery to tuck her in. Meanwhile, Zoya checked her phone and found Ziva's messages. The pictures from Zaina's haldi, which was held yesterday at home.

Kausar wanted the wedding to take place as soon as possible, and Zaina and Shahid didn’t have any problem with it. The haldi took place yesterday, today would be the mehendi, and the nikah would be held tomorrow.

Mahmood had called her a couple of days ago again, asking her to come. But she knew it would not make Kausar happy, so she had politely declined. She had also sent some extra funds to him because she knew he'd never ask for money, even if he needed it. And she had also couriered Zaina a very beautiful red saree with intricate details of stones and glitter. Zaina had received the package and called Zoya to tell her that she loved it and would wear it on her walima.

"Are you okay?" Shahveer's voice brought Zoya out of her thoughts.

"Yes," She said.

"You don't look okay. What happened?" She hadn't even noticed when her sadness of not being able to attend Zaina's wedding got visible on her face. Maybe while looking at the pictures.

"Zoya?" He sat beside her.

She exhaled loudly and kept her phone aside. "Did you have lunch yet?"

He was confused at her sudden question, but still answered. "No."

"Do you want to eat Maggie?"


She got up to go to the kitchen and started working. He followed her and silently stood at the threshold of the kitchen and watched her cook. After ten minutes, she served the noodles into two bowls and they sat on the table to eat.

He knew something was bothering her, but he didn’t want to push her into telling him.

She played with her food for the first couple of minutes before finally speaking out. "My sister is getting married."

He stopped chewing midway and looked at her. Her eyes were downcasted.

"So that is sad because..?" He confusingly asked.

She chuckled. "Her getting married is not sad. Me, not being able to attend is sad."

"Why can't you attend it?"

"Because," She paused for a second, "my mother doesn't want me there."

Honestly, she didn’t know why she was sharing this with him. She hadn't even talked about it to Aarti or Kian because she knew that they'd try to cheer her up and feel better. But she didn't want to feel better. She just wanted someone to listen to her and just let her feel bad about it once and for all.

"Why doesn't your mother want you to be a part of your sister's wedding?"

"She has been angry with me ever since I decided to get a divorce. And now, because I am a divorcee, she doesn't want me at the wedding."

She continued. "But it is okay. I am just happy that Zaina is happy, and she's not being forced into a marriage like I was."

He stared at the woman in front of him and realized that the bold and confident woman he had known was actually once a broken soul. She had built herself from ashes, like a phoenix.

All along, he had liked her, but today, he just felt immense respect for her. And also an urge to protect her, to tell her that she'd never have to face anything alone. But he did not vocalize any of it. Instead, he just held her hand in his and gave it a tight squeeze.

She eyed their entwined fingers and then looked into his eyes. They exchanged no words after that, but she understood his silent promise behind that gesture. And suddenly they both felt a shift in their relationship. They knew that they were no longer just neighbors, or even friends for that matter.

Their relationship had dwelled into something more.

Something deep.

Something that was going to last forever, InshaAllah!


Thank you for all the support you all have been giving me.

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