His crimson eyes grew distant, as if stuck in a memory.

You didn't pry. "..Thank you."

You honestly didn't care about how everyone else treated you seeing as you had a mission, but Kirishima being pleasant like this was a nice break from the antsy stares.

Also, you should care more. Melissa wanted you to have friends, after all.

Kirishima sent you a sincere smile, lips pushing against his cheeks. "My pleasure, dude!"

It was ten minutes of browsing later did you settle on a $10 pack of weights varying in weight. It was surprisingly cheap.

Now outside the store, Kirishima turned to you with curiosity in his eyes. "Y'don't have to answer, but I'm curious.. did killing that bird really not affect you at all?"

You adjusted the bag on your right elbow. "I apologized to it."

Another chuckle left his lips. "Man, you're like a little kid.. but that's good! Just speak up for yourself, alright? Everyone's just gonna keep their opinion of you if they don't."

"I see."

That is not an order from Melissa. I do not know whether or not to speak up for myself.

What would I say?

I cannot just confess that my brain is damaged. The other students will just try to damage my head further since it is my weak spot.

"[L/n]? Hellooo? Anyone in there?" Kirishima snickered at his own little joke as he waved a hand in front of your face.

"Yes. My consciousness continues to reside within my body." Not knowing he was joking, you answered his question quite literally.

That was when Kirishima doubled over, laughing so hard tears bubbled up in his eyes.

You blinked dubiously as he continued to hoot.

His stomach hurts, but he is laughing.. Is this a case of delirium?

Kirishima does not seem to be sleep-deprived, nor is he intoxicated.

"Whew! You sure are funny, [L/n]." Kirishima straightened up, his smile still on his face as he wiped an eye.

"I do not see how I caused you to laugh. You are crying."

"Just tearing up, not crying. Don't worry, man." Kirishima's smile grew. You acknowledging that he cried kind of felt like you cared for him, which touched him more than it should've. It felt special coming from someone so aloof and seemingly unfeeling.

But the redhead knew better. He wasn't going to get ahead of himself.

"Well.." He turned, looking over his shoulder with a bag of wraps in his right hand. "I'll see ya tomorrow! Gotta catch the train!"

As he jogged off, you called, "See you tomorrow."

The usual text arrived at eight p.m.

You'd already settled into a routine-- do homework, work out, eat dinner, shower, text and get ready for bed.

< | Melissa |


Eggs for all three meals and pancakes now!? I'm getting Papa to send you money for actual food!!

Eating like that isn't healthy!! I'll send you some easy recipes for breakfast and dinner

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