" Well, I am sorry but I see one right in front of me."

Everyone gasped and decided to leave the room as quietly as possible.

" Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Run you bitch! She's gonna explode!"

Everyone, except Nightmare, ran through the massive corridor doors, cursing and screaming with teats in their sockets.


Nightmare, who noticed his mistake, started to profusedly sweat. It was his death wish. He literally wanted this by just saying those words.

" Y/n! Darling- we can talk abo- FUCK!"

And the game of octopus and angry gremlin began. A game that only the two cats in skeleton and half-vampire knew and played too often.

" Welp... He is dead."
" We can see that."


Y/n... Y/n was extremely disappointed. She was in Nightmare's now larger carpus.

She puffed her cheeks out.

" Awww~ Did my little bat fall for my traps again?"

He teased, earning an angry sound that escaped her throat.

" Not fair! This is the 16th time you did this trick this week. It is not getting me angry anymore. Mostly upset, yes but not angry anymore."

She sighed in disappointment, rubbing the bridge of her nose, (f/c/e) nowhere to be seen under her eyelids.

But, she didn't know that this time would be different. That this time!- She would be begging for him. Oh-! The sweet fear he was going to enjoy! Or so he thought.

" Fucking rip off of Squidward, why are looking at me like that? It's like you are stalking me or something!"

" I just had an idea~"

Y/n had a gut wrenching feeling about it. Not the ' Oh no! I'm gonna die' one, but the ' I have a feeling that this has happened before' one.

" I hope you enjoy your new room~"

She called it! Heh, traveling from Multiverse to Multiverse after each death had its perks. She met a Nightmare au called ' Aversion'. A horror version of Nightmare. Just like Horror, but covered in goop and some... interesting stuff.

" What are you-"

She acted dumb, playing along with his game of Octopus eating Gremlin. Huh, no wonder his au complimented her taste, saying that she was almost too tasty to let go.

" Have fun in there!"

As quickly as those words left his mouth, his teeth seperated- revealing sharp ass teeth- and being shoved inside the turqoise cavern. Before she had enough time to orientate herself and get rid of the dizziness, she was pushed to the back of the mouth and-

" Oh FUCK NO!"

She acted, pretending to struggle, when in reality, she was actually calm.


Her words were muffled by the trhoat muscles that pulled her head into the abyss- well, it was glowing. BUT STILL-! It was still sort of dark in the tube.

Her shoulders pulled inside the tube as more of her was swallowed. The muscles around her pulled her futher, until the last swallow caused her journey to begin.

The fake flesh around her pulled her all the way to her destination. It was still kind bizarre to be eaten by the skeleton made of negativity himself.

A valve opened and deposited her into the organ she was used to. It was... kind of like a bed. Just- wet and slightly moving.

" No fear, eh? Not even struggling?"

" Too tired..."

It wasn't a complete lie. She was exhausted from everything that played out through the day.

" Oh, and I did eat your cookies."

If she wasn't exhausted, she would have kicked the organ in all the painfully sensitive areas. But he was lucky.

" You are lucky this time, Nightmare..."

She drifted off into a peaceful slumber, unaware of the smile that softened on the goopy skull outside of the organ.

The End

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