Mythitale! Sans(Myth)

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You were just outside, playing in the snow in Snowdin while Myth kept an eyesocket on you. Since he was the most aggressive when someone hurts you, he always has been by your side. You giggled and laughed as you played in the snow. It was a beautiful day outside and Myth admired it, he admired it a bit too much because he didn't notice you going towards the bridge. I forgot to tell you that you are a FUCKING SEVEN YEAR OLD THAT DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS DANGEROUS! You got a bit too close and fell, making you scream. Myth heard your scream and immediately opened his wings, his eyes flashing with worry and fear. You finally hit the ground, it breaking your spine, causing you to not move your limbs or even your body. Myth dived down into the place where you fell, seeing you not moving made him panick and he ran to your figure. He saw that you were still alive but your figure didn't want to move. He picked you up before you yelped in pain, making him stop and look at you." What did you break?" He asked." I think I broke my spine." You said, hissing in pain. He sighed before picking you up." Let's just get you in my stomach (pouch) so that it could be easier for me to fly out of here." Myth said. You nodded and braced yourself for your spine to scream in pain while he swallowed you. He opened his mouth and started to swallow you. You tried so hard not to scream or hiss in pain. It was a few minutes later before you reached his stomach ( pouch), feeling the healing magic to sink in. Myth flew out of that place, going back home.

The End

Mythitale! Sans does not belong to me. All credit goes to ultimastarwolfie1264. I hope you liked this one because I'm tired from work... I also have a Sans named Myth but he is Swapdream! Nightmare from my Multiverse.... Hope you enjoyed this chapter, bye~

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