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It was a beautiful day outside,
Birds were singing,
Flowers were blooming,
On days like these, adults like you...

Should really stop burning the kitchen! This was the third time this week. You're going to have a family in the future and you want to burn down the house!? No, you are not married but you want to learn how to cook a decent meal, starting from scratch 'til you can cook big meals. You wanted to learn as quick as possible because there was someone you wanted to meet, Dust. The Lamia that always wants to be clingy around you? Yeah, that one. His actually really sweet once you get to know him better, including his killer family known as the bad guys. You were the first to ask if they were okay. It took them by surprise to know that a 21 year old girl actually cared about them and their health. They warmed up to you in a few, emotional weeks. You showed them love, not L.O.V.E, no true love. You shook your head and went back to put out the fire. After that, you got out of the house and near the border of the forest where Dust would come pick you up. It was winter and the only active one amongst all of them was Dust. The others wouldn't come out unless they needed to hunt or something. You waited at the border before hearing a familiar voice." What took you ssssso long?" Dust asked." I burnt my kitchen, again." You said. He gave you the really look before sighing, grabbed you and took you to the cave where you greeted everyone." Hello, how was your day?" Nightmare, the biggest one of the group asked." It was-," you got cut off by Dust." She burnt the kitchen again." Everything was silent until all of you laughed. You couldn't deny the fact that it was funny. After all the laughter died down, you went to your room that they made for you for sleepovers. You fell asleep on it.

11:07 pm

You shivered. The thick blankets not keeping you warm, at all. You stood up, with blankets surrounding you, and went to Dust's room. You entered the room and saw Dust right infront of you. Let me tell you a secret.

This is not the first time that this has happened nor the last. Dust sighed before coiling around you, being gentle, and opened his jaws. BAM! Your head was in his mouth, he took the first swallow and then another after another. Soon, you were in his throat. He took the last gulp and you were send towards the warm, soft and comfortable chamber: his storage stomach. You went back to sleep and so did he, unaware of a certain goopy Lamia watching the whole thing happening while fanboying on the inside.

The End

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