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You are Y/n L/n and you are 4 years old. You were abandoned by your parents yesterday in an alleyway. You were currently walking around in the small town when you bumped into someone. You heard gasps from all around you. You looked up to see who you bumped into. It was a skeleton with yellow and orange wings. Not just any skeleton, no, it was the King. You didn't even know that this person was the King. You saw the gaurds draw their weapons when the King held his arm up into the air to signal them to stop what they were doing. The gaurds drew back their weapons and went somewhere else to mind their own business. The King bent down and held your chin. You felt weird when you looked into his eyes. He let go of your chin and left with gaurds. You saw the shock, impressed, surprised and jealousy in every person and monsters faces. You walked away, shrugging the glares and the weird feeling off. You arrived back at 'home', the same alleyway you were abandoned in, and sat down near your makeshift, cardboard box house. It started raining and it got really, really, really cold. You went into your 'house' and went to your makeshift bed. It had old blankets, an old mattress and two old pillows. You went under the old blankets and wrapped yourself up like a cocoon. You shivered from the cold. You closed your eyes, about to fall asleep when you heard the flapping of wings. You got curious and went outside, despite the cold. You saw the very same skeleton from earlier, standing outside of your makeshift cardboard box. When he saw you in the box, he felt his soul shatter at the sight of you in your makeshift, cardboard box. He walked towards your box and knelt down infront of you. You whimpered out of the cold. He heard your whimpering and took you into his arms. He used his wings to shelter you from the rain while he was getting soaking wet. He felt you shiver from the cold.  He needed, no, he had to keep you warm. He couldn't think of any ideas until he came up with one idea. He didn't like it but he had no other option nor choice. He sighed before he got ready to eat you. He opened his orange-ish maw and shoved your head in. You squirmed, struggled and screamed. He knew you didn't like it but he had to, it was for the best. He shoved you further into his throat. Despite his positive aura, you were not calm but the opposite. Your head was in his throat but you kept on struggling. He had tears in his sockets, he hated this so much but he pushed forward. He shoved you again and took the first gulp. It was strong but not strong enough to injure you, it was strong enough to pull you chest-deep into his throat. He took another gulp and only your calves were outside his maw. He took the last gulp and your entire body was in his mouth. He took in a shaky breath before swallowing you down. You struggled here and there but it was weak. Understandable because the warmth of this skeletons gullet made you tired. Your head popped into a very spacious chamber. Your body following slowly but surely afterwards. You knew where you were, you were in his stomach. After you made your entrance, you began struggling and squirming. The King knew that you would be safe because he couldn't digest a person, only food. The King stood up and saw that you didn't make large bump in his stomach. He started to wipe his tears away and patted his swollen gut to calm you down. It worked alot and your struggling and squirming stopped. The King opened his wings and took off while holding his gut protectively so that you didn't hurt him or you, yourself, in the process. He arrived at his castle bedroom and saw his lover, Nightmare, in his bed. When Nightmare saw Dream holding his stomach protectively, he knew what he did. " Did you find the child?" Nightmare asked. Dream nodded and began explaining while walking towards the king-sized bed. " Darling? I want to adopt this child. Can we?" Dream asked his lover. Nightmare's sockets widen but quickly turned into a soft, loving gaze. " Yes, yes we can adopt the child." Nightmare said. Dream smiled a genuine smile before using his magic to teleport you out of his stomach. Nightmare picked you up like a mother and held you close to him. They looked at each other before looking down at you.
2 years later

You lived with your new parents. They couldn't leave you alone so they swallowed you. You liked it because it was your favourite hiding and sleeping spot. They loved you and you loved them back

The end

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