Special chapter

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This is a special chapter for Allo_The_Great. They deserve this chapter! Go check them out! They wrote amazing stories! I hope you enjoy!

Allo walked around the snowy forest, their footsteps crunching the snow with each step they took. The forest dark and eerie, they couldn't even see 2 meters infront of them.

It has been a few minutes before they heard twigs snap. They froze, listening carefully. More twigs snapped. It sounded large and heavy, motivating their muscles to run away from whatever was stalking them. A low growl was heard after they bolted, the thing frustrated and annoyed with how fast they reacted.

They ran and ran until their legs gave out, collapsing onto the snowy ground. They'd rather die of hypothermia than get killed by that thing. The sound of large and heavy footsteps were heard, not too far from where they were. Did it track them? Did it follow their footsteps? All they could think about was surviving. They stood up, wobbly but ran once more. The adrenaline gave them an extra boost to escape that thing.

Red bones blocked their path, causing Allo to collide and fall on his bottom." Stop running you little sh-" The massive thing started saying before its sentence was cut off by Allo fainting.

Jaws had no idea what to do in this type of situation, this never happened to him before. Slowly, he picked up the small being. Now, all he had to do was to figure out what to do to them. As if on quee, his stomach growled. He smirked and licked his 'lips', hunger filled his eyelights. He opened his maw and deposited the small human in his maw before closing it, sealing the small thing from any escape- if they were awake that is. Slowly, he swallowed them with no effort. Down and down they went, the place of no escape. He knew that they won't get digested, wanting nothing more than to protect them. He felt their weight deposit in his ecto stomach, a warm fuzzy feeling crept on his SOUL. What was this feeling? Was it affection? He didn't know, only knowing one thing: protect the human. He made a promise and, well, he was going to keep it.

The End

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