Omni 404

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This was requested byultimastarwolfie1264. I hope you like this and I will be using your OC if you don't mind. She will also be 5 years old in this story. Hope you enjoy this ultimastarwolfie1264!

It was a long day after experimenting for Harmony. She was currently in her chamber in the lab, sobbing from all the pain and experiments that the scientist's did to her. The only ones that were by her side were King Multiverse, Error 404 and a new person that she met a few weeks ago. She didn't know who he was nor did she know where he came from. All she knew was that he looked glitched and had a very dark aura. Whenever a scientist took her, it seemed that the dark aura got darker every time she was taken out of her chamber. She found out that his name was Omni 404, a very dangerous being that likes to torment his victims before killing them. They were used as puppets by him to only be used to their limits before being destroyed like a glass being shattered. Whenever she saw him, she would yelp and back away into a corner, surrounding herself with a shield and crying while he looked very confused, his dark aura seeming to change into a warm and kind aura. Today, however, was going to change her life for the better.

Harmony's pov

I was sobbing in my chamber. It hurt so bad, I just wanted to get out of here and have a normal life like other children." Why do I have to be here, getting hurt and abused- and experimented on out of everyone else?" I asked myself, wondering why the world hated me. What I did not notice was the skeleton right behind me. I turned around and immediately created a shield around myself, cried and shut my eyes after seeing Omni 404. My ears went down, tail curled around my legs and my wings wrapped around my body. I was scared!

Omni 404 pov

The child I have been visiting for a weeks now was scared of me. She did what she always does when she saw me: create a barrier around herself. I knew that I could destroy the barrier with my attacks but it may harm her. I sighed before walking to her barrier, destroying it with my strings and picked her up with my strings.' Now to get you out of here without getting seen...' I thought, thinking of ways to hide her before my stomach growled. The sudden growling made her freeze, her once scared expression turned to one of confusion.

Harmony pov

I was scared before I heard growling which made me confused.' Is he going to help me?' I thought.' No! His going to kill you Harmony!' I fought with my thoughts, not realising a bright red maw was going to engulf me before my head was in his mouth. I snapped out of my train of thoughts when he took the first gulp. I squirmed, trying to get out of his oesophagus but to no avail as I was being swallowed again. Since I was small, I was in his throat when he took the third swallow. He took the final gulp and I was heading towards his stomach, scared that I'll be digested in there. When I reached his stomach, it was a dark maroon colour and the first thing I did was struggle. I struggled and struggled until a deep, dark voice was heard." Quite squirming in there!" The voice said. I knew that it was my captor and kept on squirming, not wanting to hear what he had to say before strings held me in place, stopping me from squirming.

Omni 404 pov

The child didn't stop squirming after I told them to. I sighed and summoned her voodoo doll, using my strings and wrapped it around the doll. The squirming stopped when the strings wrapped around the voodoo doll." Will you now listen to what I have to say?" I asked, fighting the urge to yell at them for not wanting to hear of what I had to say." O-okay." They said.' They sound so broken...'. I thought, my expression changed to a softer look." I'm gonna get you out of here and you'll be reunited with King Multiverse and Error 404. I'll leave you alone unless you say my name." I said, getting rid of the strings from her voodoo doll and put the doll back where it belongs. I didn't get a response back and started to assume that she was asleep before she spoke." R-really?" She asked. I par my swollen stomach." Really." I said before hearing a yawn." Looks like someone is sleepy." I asked and felt them curl up. Before I could say anything, I heard footsteps and immediately teleported away. I sighed before hearing light snores.' Looks like I'm gonna have to wait for you to wake up.' I thought. I yawned aswell and teleported in my hammock, patting my gut with the child.' I'll take you back later but right now, you need sleep.' That was my last thought before I went to sleep.

The End

I hope you enjoyed this chapter ultimastarwolfie1264. Bye~

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