Parent! Lust

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Requested by BossInBlackAndYellow. Also, I'm gonna try and do a different type of vore! Enjoy~

" Dad! Dad! Dad!" A small human child called out, flailing their arms as they ran downstairs." Woah! Easy there sweetie! What's got you so excited?" A skeleton monster asked, his clothes being revealing. That was Lust, the most famous monster in the underground." Can I play with Uncle Ink?! Please?!" Lust wanted to say no but those eyes- no! He couldn't-" Sure, just come back before eight..." The small child jumped up and down before running upstairs." Kids these days." He shook his head with a smile, going back to putting his gloves on and getting ready to have fun~

Work was exhausting! Lust came back from work and saw his child on the couch, fast asleep." Rough day, huh?" He asked himself quietly, not wanting to wake them up. He went into the kitchen, washing his hands and putting an apron on. He proceeded to cook some dinner, seeing as Papyrus was living with Mettaton, though, he sid visit every now and then. Burgers and fries sounded delightful. He began to make the patties and buns, the smell everywhere in the air.

You woke up to smell something cooking in the kitchen. Your dad was probably cooking something for the both of you to eat. You didn't want to stand up so, the laziness your dad rubbed off on you, kicked in. You didn't want to leave the couch just yet. It was too comfy.


Dinner was silent. It wasn't an uncomfortable, it was comfortable." So," You looked at your father." how was your day?" Memories flashed through your mind. It was fun and scary. Fun being with the other aus. Scary for getting consumed by Nightmare himself." Was fun! Ink and the other aus played hide and seek with me!" It wasn't technically a lie but it wasn't the whole truth." Great to hear, otherwise I'd beat Ink's butt." You both laughed before you yawned." Get some rest, I'll see you in the morning." You went off to bed while Lust started to clean the dinner table.


Y/n slept peacefully in their room. Unaware that their father came into their room, his SOUL floating in his hand. He summoned their SOUL, it's beautiful (f/c) glowed dimly in the dark room. His SOUL obsorbed it while they moved a little in their sleep. He had to wait for the trick to happen. They suddenly got teleported into his stomach, SOUL protected by his own SOUL. A few seconds later, they were not in his stomach but in his SOUL. His SOUL was like his stomach, but it lacked the wet and slimy saliva.


You were resting against a soft wall. You weren't aware of where you were but, it was very warm and comfortable. You snuggled closer to the wall, cuddling it.


Lust felt the small human child cuddle against the SOUL's stomach walls. He chuckled before pushing his SOUL back to where it belonged before heading to bed, ready to get some shut eye.

The End

Btw, this was only to test this type of vore. I know that he obsorbed your SOUL but, this is my au where you will automatically teleport into the SOUL's stomach. If you don't like it then please don't attack me. Like I said, it was just a test. Bye~

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