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Requested by SketchSanss. Hope you enjoy!

After Dream, Ink and Error fused with each other, they became Astral, a being with immense power. Even Nightmare feared the fusion.

Astral played the harp with such elegance, anyone would have mistaken him for a harp player. It was quiet until," Ow!" A howl of pain and agony caught his attention, stopping him to continue playing the harp." What the- is someone here?" He asked, smile still present on his skull.


A... monster stood infront of him- or was it human? No! It had to be a monster- but it looked like a human.

A growl erupted from the being, eyes wide with slit pupils and bearing their teeth." H-" The creature attacked, though, Astral easily dodged the incoming attack." Another one of Nightmare's allies... great..." He muttered, sighing before summoning his own attacks. The creature growled again, a hint of fear in its growl." Distressed? Scared?" Astral almost got hit from one of their attacks- if it weren't for his reflexes, he would have been hit.' That's new.' He dodged again, not attacking the creature like he wanted ten seconds ago.' So much fear and hatred,' He held them in his one hand,'it's like they were hurt by others.' He inspected them, his two closed eyes opening to check their stats.

Name: April
Surname: #%$÷#!₩€#
Age: 10
LV: 0
Atk 40
Defence: 4
Gender: Neutral
Info: Escaped a lab and is distressed.

The info he got from them was shocking. An experiment? Only ten years old? Poor thing.

April glared at the large skeleton with yellow eyes, bearing their fangs." You poor thing," The skeleton spoke, catching them off guard," going through such a terrible experience." He lifted his other hand to which April thought would hurt them. On instinct, they turned their head away, eyes shut as their ears lowered in fear and submission.

A single phalange gently patted their small head, as if they were as fragile as glass." No need to be afraid," He spoke in a soothing tone," I mean no harm..." April opened their eyes slowly, turning their gaze at Astral as they lifted their ears.

Astral smiled when the experiment slowly got used to his touch, being careful to not harm the poor creature as they had already gone through enough trauma." There we go, little one. See? I don't want to harm you." Astral stroked their head once more, his aura calm and warm." Friendly?" They asked, voice being female." Yes, I am friendly." He was beyond confused.' I thought she was gender neutral?' He thought." Yay!" Her voice was male now.' Nevermind, I know why they are gender neutral now.' He kept petting them, earning some head rubs from them before putting them down on the 'floor.'

April stretched like a wolf, although they had the form of a human." My, you really are adorable." He chuckled, still standing." Thank... you!" They squeaked.


Astral started to get to know April a lot more than their first encounter. He discovered that they had a pouch and stomach, shocking him completely. He also found out that April felt much safer inside his ecto-stomach, which was odd for him.

Currently, that's where they were: in his ecto-stomach." I still don't understand how you feel safer in my ecto-stomach, April..." He had to admit, they were great company.

" It's... my... instincts... Astral..." They explained. Their small and frail figure being caressed by they walls around them. April didn't want to admit it but, they saw Astral as a guardian, someone to look up to." I... have... been... like... this... ever... since... I... was... experimented..." They continued, placing their hands on the fake flesh.

" That, I know. But still, it's quite weird." He commented, his two closed eyes opening. He also secretly enjoyed the experience, even if he was still unsure about it." For now, let's rest before discussing this further." He stood up and went to check the aus while his little guest went to sleep.

The End

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