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This Sans Oc doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Passive9Nightmare. Art also doesn't belong to me, belongs to Passive9Nightmare. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

" Ugh, w-what happened?" A young adult held their head in pain, hissing when the pain kept hitting them with what felt like a baseball bat." Ugh, this hurts so much!" They clenched their teeth to prevent them from letting out a scream, not wanting to attract attention to them. They got used to the point and looked where they were. It was in a forest, somewhere near a beach. Surprisingly, they only saw the border of the forest and the beach. How they got here, was a mystery." How... did I get here?" They asked themselves, standing up and walked to the beach." However I got here, I will never know. Maybe I tripped?" They kept talking to themselves about all the possibilities, not aware of a glitchy goopy skeleton watching them.

" How did it get dark so quickly?!" They yelled, throwing their arms in the air." Maybe I can answer that question for you." A sudden deep voice said, catching them off guard. They turned around to see a skeleton covered in goop and glitching.

 They turned around to see a skeleton covered in goop and glitching

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

He looked, interesting to say the least." Oh, why am I here?" They asked." Because, I wanted to have someone to chat with!" They bought that white lie, not knowing his true intentions.

It has been two hours before Y/n felt the familiar feeling of sleep get the best of them, falling asleep on one of his goopy tentacles. Glire grinned, finally he could get a decent meal. He poked them for a few minutes, making sure that they were in a deep sleep to which they were. Perfect! Slowly, he coiled a tentacle around Y/n before bringing them to his mouth. Funny thing is, he was four heads taller than the human. He opened his maw, sharp needle-like teeth with strings of saliva, his five tongues waiting in anticipation to gobble up the human.

He lowered them into his awaiting maw, his tongues wrapping around each limb to prevent any escape if they were to wake up. He made quick work of them, getting their small body in his stomach in under 14 minutes.

He leaned against a tree trunk, full from having his meal- no, that wasn't the right word, friend. Yes, friend in his stomach, all cozy and protected. He dozed off aswell, going to sleep without any illusions or nightmares for the first time.

The End

Sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while, there was stuff going on. Hope you enjoyed. Bye!

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