Feral! Horror

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I forgot to do a part two. Thx Allo_The_Great for mentioning this. I'm sorry that part two took so long. I don't own the oc, Idkamhelp does. Anyways, enjoy.

Mrs. Octo woke up to only be greeted by three faces in her face, scaring her. She wanted to kill them but then remembered that she was rescued, making her re-think her actions." Are you the ones that saved me?" She asked, voice soft but dry. When did she last drink water? How long was she out for? Are the others looking for her?" No but our dad did!" One of them answered, their voice soft and adorable." Who's your dad?" She asked." I am." If she could yell, she would most definitely yell her lungs out. She jumped and clung to the ceiling as if her life depended on it. The four of them looked at her before bursting into fits of laughter. She wanted to yell but blushed in embarrassment for her sudden actions.

It took them around 20 minutes to calm down before they all introduced themselves. Miss Octo told the three kids to leave her and Butcher alone to talk privately, not wanting them to know about the aus.

" If you think I'm go-"" I'm sparing your au." She interrupted him. When she said those words, he gave a surprised look and wanted to ask why. As if reading his mind, she replied with," Why? Because you saved me from the cold. If I died, Nightmare would wreck havoc in the multiverse. Now, I should be going. We don't want your au to get attacked now, do we?" And with that she left, one thought remained in his mind: Did she just say she spared my au?

When she got back, she was immediately physically consumed by none other than Nightmare himself. Let's just say, he kept a watchful eye on her for the entire day.

The End

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