Lamia! Horror

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"Brother! Why are you so slow!?" A young adult female human asked." It's winter and we are supposed to be hibranating. There are also no food and no warm sunlight, just snow!" A skeleton-lamia with a cracked skull said. That skeleton is Horror, the brother of the young adult female human. That female human is Y/n, she is very energetic and always played with by everyone. She is also innocent, she doesn't even know what 'FUCK' means! The gang has to be careful using foul language around her, they couldn't deny that she was adorable. Nightmare is her favourite babysitter, he always makes sure that she is comfortable during her naps and always made sure that she was warm and cosy. Dust is her dunkle, he helps her with combat. Killer is also her dunkle but shows her life hacks, making sure that she is getting a break from time to time. Cross is her typical father figure, Error is the 'grandma' of the group. You are just the cutest thing that they have ever seen and they made a vow to themselves to protect you at all costs. Why are you human? Well, your 'Father', Dr. Gaster, did some experiments with you. This happens to be one of those days that you need your brother. You were running and looking back at your brother, unaware that you were on a frozen lake. You realised when you saw that you were out in the open. You stopped when you heard a crack, looking down, slowly, you saw the ice beginning to crack underneath you. You looked up at your brother, fear evident in your eyes before the ice couldn't take your weight anymore and you fell in the frigid temperatures of the cold, dark waters of the lake. You started sinking and Horror slithered at the open hole before he dived in after you. It might be cold but he needed to save you, you didn't even know how to swim for crying out loud! Once he saw your figure, he grabbed you by your t-shirt and swam his way to the surface, slithering out of the hole and getting to a more safer area while coughing out water that managed to get in his mouth. Once there, he got his attention in your small frame. Although you were 19, you really needed to go for swimming lessons. He felt your skin, you were colder than snow itself. He had to do something or else you would die of hypothermia. He got an idea." If a member of our group is in any case of dying, eat them and bring them back to base so that we can heal them." Nightmare's words echoed through his skull- what was left of it anyways. He coiled his lower half around you, not enough to kill, and  opened his jaws wide open. He lowered his open jaws and put your head in his mouth, careful with his fangs. He tried to make quick work to get you in his storage stomach. He started to get to your hips- he didn't even know until he felt your cold legs. He shifted again and finally got your whole body in his throat and then, with a very strong-ass muscles, gulped you down, sending you straight to his storage stomach. He then sighed before going back to base, the cave.

The End

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