Chapter 26

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We finally arrive home. I am so tired. We spent hours looking for the perfect tree. I swear these girls are obsessed with trees.

Gina and I went to the screening room and watch a movie.

Halfway through the movie of Elf, Lauren turned it off.

"Hey. We were watching that.", Gina said.

"You can continue later. Come help us decorate the tree." Lauren said

Gina quickly got out of the screening room, and head downstairs. I just sat still.

"Baby? You coming?" Lauren ask.

"Um. Yeah." I got up and Lauren held out her hand to me.

We both walked downstairs to the living room, where the Christmas tree was.

After 3 hours of decorating the tree, we were finally done.

Christmas was tomorrow. And I already finish the presents for the girls, with a little help from Clara and Mike.

Gina and I went back to the screening room to continue watching the elf movie. As it finish, Clara came in. She said that we needed to sleep because its our bedtime already.

We both groan, and said no. She told us about Santa. Gina quickly ran upstairs. I didn't. Clara looked at me.

"Sweetie, go to sleep or else Santa won't bring you your presents.", Clara said.

Its every year that I asked for Santa to bring me something. They said Santa can bring you whatever you want, so I asked for something I always want, but as it goes to morning, what I wanted, is never there.

Clara knew something was up. So she sat down with me.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing."

"What did you asked for Santa when when Ally took you to go see him?" She said as she pull me to her lap.

"I didn't asked for anything."

"Well why not?"

I didn't say anything. I just got off her lap and went upstairs.

I showered, put on my pajamas, and sat by the window. I looked up, and saw stars. I prayed, and I guess I needed the tears to escape. I cried.

I wiped my tears and head to bed. Gina was already sleeping. I didn't want to wake up tomorrow

What I always been asking Santa is to let me see my parents again or to bring them back to me.

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