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"JUNGKOOK YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?" You're holding a pair of panties that obviously weren't yours.
"Y/n you do this every time you come over here." He rolled his eyes and rubbed his forehead.
"I wouldn't have to do this if you just kept your dick to yourself. You know what? This isn't even my house. I shouldn't be trippin'." You throw the panties on the ground. You walk out his door and slam it. Hopefully something fell off the wall. Then, you hop in your car and go to work.

Jungkook is your boyfriend. Y'all have been on and off for about a year. You're on at the moment. There's no telling when you'll be off again. Probably tonight.

Every time you go over to his house, you find some lady product that doesn't belong to you

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Every time you go over to his house, you find some lady product that doesn't belong to you. Every time you bring it up, he gets upset. You go to work, he'll apologize and y'all make up. He's fucking with your head and it's rather annoying. Luckily, you have two remedies that'll assist you.

Alcohol and performing

You perform with a live band every night at this bar. You absolutely love it. It's one of the things Jungkook can't suck the fun out of. Hopefully he stays his ass home tonight.

You arrive at the bar and greet everyone on your way in. You walk towards the bar and greet the bartender.

"Hey V!" He waved back and prepares your drink. He already knows what drink you like. He takes a look at you.
"You have that look on your face. What did he do this time?" You laugh. He knows you so well.
"I found another pair of panties that weren't mine." You shrugged your shoulders and rolled your eyes.

"Wow. You just let him get away with it? When will enough be enough for you?" The atmosphere shifted a little bit. I don't think V meant to do that. He's just curious.

You knew that you shouldn't take Jungkook back, but you love him. He reminds you of comfort in a non-comforting way. You sip on your drink and look at V. He looks at you and is waiting for an answer.


"I don't know. I just can't get enough of him. Other than the cheating, he treats me so well." V rolls his eyes and continues his tasks.
"Whatever y/n. It's your life." You sigh and get ready to perform.

You and the band rehearsed a song the other day, but you're feeling something else tonight. You tell the band your plans and they're on board. They're familiar with the song, so you should be good.

*Cue Ex-Factor- Ms. Lauryn Hill*

Just like clockwork, Jungkook comes right in as soon as the song starts.

It could all be so simple
But you'd rather make it hard
Loving you is like a battle
And we both end up with scars

You stare right at Jungkook when you're singing. You make sure he knows how you're feeling. By the end of the song, you have tears rolling down your cheeks. You thank everybody for their applause and bow. Then you rush to the bathroom to clean your face. You have more songs to perform a little later. You can't perform with puffy eyes.

When you leave the bathroom you see Jungkook standing outside the door. He's blocking your path.
"Excuse me. Can you get out of the way?" You try and shove him from in front of you. You obviously failed.
"No. I'd like to talk to you." You cross your arms and look at him.
"About what?" He holds your hands.
"I just want to apologize for being a terrible boyfriend. I hope that we-..." You put your hand to stop his talking.
"No. Jungkook I'm done with the back and forth. The fighting then making up like everything is peaches and cream. It's not cute and it's not healthy. Goodbye." You shove Jungkook again and that time he moved. Jungkook stood there dumbfounded. You've never said that to him before. Jungkook has no idea what to do. Usually he apologizes and it works. Maybe he'll talk to you later about it.

He leaves. You go to the bar before you have to perform again.
"V I did it! I told that sucker I was done and meant it." V gives you one of those looks.
"How long is that supposed to last?" You tap your chin and look into space like you're thinking.
"About two days, but that's longer than usual." V gives you a defeated look.
"V it's progress." V can't do anything, but chuckle. He already told you.
"You're right. Do what you wanna." He shrugs. You finish your drink and get ready for your next performance.

*******I have no idea how to include media in the header

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I have no idea how to include media in the header. I've tried every chapter and ig it just doesn't show up. Whatever. I hope you've enjoyed this!

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