*Surprise Surprise-J-Hope*

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You sat on the lid of the toilet. Hand pressed against your forehead. Mouth open in disbelief. Other hand holding a positive pregnancy test.

Fuck. What the fuck am I gonna do? I have to tell Hoseok. But how is he going to take it? What if he doesn't want it? What if he doesn't want me?

You're clearly in denial. Hobi is your husband. He would never abandon you at such a vulnerable time. You sit in shock for about 5 more minutes before you hear a knock at the door.

"Hey babe. Are you doing okay?" You forgot Hoseok came home from work around this time. You were so lost in thought that his knock kind of scared you. You dropped the pregnancy test. Shit. You have to find a way to hide it. You got rid of the box in the neighbor's trash can. Maybe you can stuff the test in your bra.

"Yeah Hobi I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute." You get off the toilet and wash your hands. You look in your mirror. Your face is all puffy and your eyes are swollen. How are you supposed to hide this from Hobi? You throw some water on your face and pat it dry. You open the door.

Hobi instantly embraces you. His touch has always calmed you down. He wrapped his arms around your waist. You snuggled your face in his chest and inhaled his scent.
"I've been home for about 10 minutes. I was looking for you." He searches your face.
"I'm sorry I was using the bathroom." You break away from the hug. You have to hurry and find somewhere to hide the test before Hoseok notices it. You go to the closet to find a hiding space. Hobi is still talking to you.

"Remember we have that formal party tonight for my company." You pause. You had forgotten about the party. You can't get out of it because you don't want to seem suspicious. You resume looking for a hiding space.

"Oh that's right I forgot. What time are we leaving the house?" You continue to search for a spot because every nook and cranny has something of Hoseok's.
"Around 5:30pm." You look at your watch and it's 2pm at the moment. You found a hiding spot in one of your draws that Hoseok wouldn't look through. You threw the test in the draw and closed it quickly. You stood there and stared at the draw. Hoseok came up behind you.

"Have you eaten lunch babe?" You nearly jumped out of your skin. You didn't hear him walk in the closet at all.
"Damn babe. You scared the shit out of me. You need to announce your presence next time." He looked at you confused.
"You've been jumpy since I got home. Are you sure you're okay?" You smile at him and grab his hands.
"I promise I'm fine. I'm just nervous for this company party tonight." You tried to sound convincing. He returns the sweet smile.
"Babe we'll be fine. You'll look fabulous." You laughed.
"Thank you. You're too kind."

You guys walked out the closet and headed towards the stairs together.
"To answer your question...no I have not eaten lunch but I'm not all that hungry." You know you're a damn lie. You ate breakfast early this morning but instantly threw all of it up. You couldn't even hold down water an hour ago. You were scared that if you ate something else, you'll throw it up and Hoseok would suspect something. You did not want him to suspect anything.

"Are you sure? I know you love food. You'd never turn down a good meal." He gives you a questioning look.
"I'm sure. I'll just have a little snack." He walks right in the kitchen to make himself a meal. You go in the pantry and grab you some pretzels. You guys sit at the dining table and eat together. Then you head up to your bedroom and lay down to watch tv until it's time to get ready.

You guys were watching the Real Housewives of Atlanta. You got Jhope into the show and he became hooked. You were laughing until you felt that watering feeling in your mouth. Oh shit! You were about to vomit. You rush out of bed, you almost tripped and rushed into the bathroom. You throw the toilet seat up and let out all the pretzel you ate. Hoseok paused the tv, hopped out of bed and ran to the bathroom door. You had locked it. He knocked on the door. That man was WORRIED.

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