*His Friend-V*

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"So we've been dating for a month now.." you give Tae a look.
"And?" He avoids your gaze.
"My friends want to meet you. I think we should go see them today. They're having a get together at Jungkook's house and we should go." Hell no. You cross your arms.
"Tae are you out of your mind? I'm not meeting your rowdy ass friends." You rolled your eyes and turned around.

"So we're just supposed to spend the rest of our lives together and you don't wanna meet the people that are closest to me?" He turned you back around and gave you those puppy dog eyes. How could you resist that? That's the problem you couldn't. You soften your gaze.

"No babe. I want to meet them eventually, but I'm nervous. I was lucky enough to have met you. Imagine 6 other people that are held to your standards. What if they don't like me?" Worried, you put your head down and think. Tae lifts your chin so you can look at him.

"Y/n you're gonna be fine. I talk about you all the time. They love you before they even have the chance to meet you." You nod and give him a smile. He cups your cheek and presses a cute little kiss to your lips.
"Now get ready. I'm gonna go home and get ready. I'll meet you back here since you live closer to Jungkook." You nod your head and wave.
"Okay see you in a little babe."

Tae has made it back to your house and it's time to go to Jungkook's house.
"Don't you look cute." You blush and do a little twirl.
"Thank you. You look handsome yourself." He mimics the twirl you just did.

You guys are on the way to Jungkook's house

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You guys are on the way to Jungkook's house. Y'all arrive after 10 minutes. You had no idea he lived so close. Your palms are already sweaty and your breathing starts to increase. Taehyung notices.
"Hey babe relax. They're gonna love you and if they don't, I will." You give him a 'really nigga' look.
"Tae that's not reassuring." He turns away from you.

You guys walk into the house. Tae is greeted by a bunch of hugs and 'hey bro's. You awkwardly stand in the corner. Tae notices. He pushes you towards the group.
"Everyone this y/n. Y/n this is Joon, Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin, Kook and Alisha. You quickly scan everyone. Your eyes stopped at Alisha. You furrowed your eyebrows. You don't remember him ever mentioning another woman. Maybe she's one of the other guys' girlfriend.

You came the conclusion that she is not in fact a girlfriend of any of the guys, but she's pretty cozy with Tae. You walk over towards the man that might know something you don't.

"Kook, right?" He looked up at you with those big eyes. He was nervous. He seems like he already knew what was coming.
"Do you mind if we talk really quick? Somewhere more private?" You both look around the room to see if anyone is watching. Everyone seems occupied.
"Yeah sure."

He leads you to his bedroom. He sits on his bed. You stand in the middle of the room. Your arms are folded and he looks like he's gonna pee his pants.
"Spill." His words come out like vomit.

"Tae and Alisha have been fooling around behind your back for a couple of months. After he met you, he stopped, but then started back up a couple of days later. We told him to stop, but he has a mind of his own. I'm sorry." You stare into space taking his words in. That son of a bitch.

"Don't apologize you don't know me. Thank you for telling me though." You give Jungkook one last look before you head back to the living room.

"Are you going to tell him that I told you?" You shake you head.
"No. I'll make him tell me himself." Jungkook nods. He knew what he did was right, but he loves Tae at the end of the day.

You two get up and head back to the living room. You sat and hung around like nothing was wrong. It was around the time for y'all to leave. You gave all the guys a hug and told them bye. You waved to Alisha and she most definitely didn't wave back. You stuck the middle finger at her and continued walking to the car.

"You had a good time, right?" You nod your head enthusiastically.
"The best time. Your friends are great. Did you enjoy yourself?" You look at him to see some sort of reaction.
"Oh yeah. Every time I get with the guys it's a good time." He didn't give you a reaction.
"You never mentioned Alisha." That'll for sure crack him. He broke character and almost said something.
"Oh yeah. I-umm I forgot she was going to be there." Liar. You'd catch him in the act eventually.
"Right." You rolled your eyes and looked out the window.

The drive home was silent. He dropped you off and told you good night. Good night your ass. Your night just started. You knew he wasn't going back home. Tae wasn't one to go to bed early. He'd probably be at Alisha's house.

Luckily you have each other's locations. You told him you didn't need it but he's super cautious. You're glad he made you keep it. After 5 minutes, you decided to go to his exact location.

You got Jungkook's number earlier. You texted him and let him know your plan just in case something went down. He hated the position you were in, but he had your back.

You pulled up his location and followed it. Apparently wherever he was was 20 minutes from JK's house. You followed his location until you were a distance away from a house.

Tae's car was parked in the driveway. You parked your car two houses down and walked to the house. Before you even made it to the yard. You heard him and another woman. You didn't want to believe it but it was happening. It sounded like they were in the front of the house. You walked to the window and finally saw it.

Through her living room window, Tae was gripping and kissing on her in ways he's never done with you. You just stared in disbelief. The nigga really had the nerve to cheat on you? He literally could've left you where you were at. To say you were hurt was an understatement. You're just glad he was only with you for a month when he showed his true colors.

You keyed his and her car. Then threw a rock through her upstairs window. You quickly ran back to your car and drove away.

The rock startled Tae and Alisha. They both ran upstairs and saw the rock and the hole in the window. Tae ran downstairs outside to see if he could find the perpetrator. All he saw and heard was silence. He headed towards the door, but then he saw the state of his and Alisha's car. 3 of his and her tires were slashed. Carved into his car was the word cheater and carved into her car was the word homewrecker. He knew exactly who did it. He knew he fucked up.

If Tae knew what was good for him. He'd leave you alone. You're just glad that his friend looked out for you.

 You're just glad that his friend looked out for you

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I kinda hated this one. I just miss writing and want to put some imagines out there. Have a great night!

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