Vol. 7 Ch. 48 Cordially Invited

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3rd Person POV

Weiss spoke and said, "Only my father would turn a hostile takeover into a fluffy PR move." In their dorm room at Atlas Academy, Weiss was sitting in a circle with Ruby, Oscar, Yang, Blake, and Ace. Weiss, Ruby, and Oscar are sitting in chairs, and Blake and Yang are sitting on Weiss' bed, while Ace was just leaning against the wall. Ruby spoke up and said, "On the news, he said he just wanted to break bread and hash things out. Maybe it won't be so bad? We do want the General to start opening up to these people, right?" Oscar replied, "Yeah, but on his terms. Ironwood's going to be locked in a room at his rival's own dinner party. I know Jacques says he's happy to moderate." Ace continued off of Oscar and said, "But all that really means is he'll be the one controlling the conversation." Blake replied, "Not hard to imagine how that's gonna play out." Weiss answered, "I still can't believe he won. Robyn was supposed to be the people's champion, wasn't she? There's just too many coincidences." Yang spoke up and said, "You really think your dad might have something to do with Salem?" Weiss replied, "I think my father would do whatever it takes to win." Ruby responded, "And we should do the same."

"Meaning...?" Weiss asked in reply. Ruby replied and answered, "Well, no one knows your dad better than you, and out of everyone going tonight, I'd say you're the only one who could snoop around the house and not be questioned. If Jacques Schnee is up to something, I think we should know what it is." Weiss thought about it for a moment, then gained a somewhat determined look.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Ace freezing time to get dressed for the party at the last minute)

An Atlas Broadcast News airship hovered in the night sky above the Schnee Manor as four hover cars drove along the driveway loop and came to a stop in front of the manor.

Ace's POV

While Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Qrow got out of their car, Jaune, Oscar, and I stood nearby, having already exited our car. The Ace Operatives exited another of the cars, and Ironwood stepped out of the fourth car with Winter. Penny got out of the other side of Ironwood's car as Ironwood spoke up and said, "Suppose we should smile for the cameras?" Winter replied, "Sir, with all due respect, you'd have to pay me."

Ironwood smiled in amusement from Winter's response, and the two headed to the front door of the manor. Weiss stopped and took a deep breath before following them. Everyone gathered at the door, and Ironwood rang the bell. The double doors opened to reveal Whitley, who said, "Good evening, everyone." Weiss spoke up and said, "Where's Klein?" Whitley responded with a sarcastic smile and somewhat dramatic posed as he said, "What an interesting way to say 'Hello, dear brother, how have you been?'" He crossed his arms and continued to address Weiss with a frown as he said, "I'm afraid you won't find him here. He was let go. I can't imagine why." Whitley smirked, and upon realizing what he meant, Weiss gasped and looked guilty. Then Whitley said, "General, exactly how large do you think our dining room table is?"

Ironwood replied, "I happen to know it's enormous. But most of my guests will be on standby in case the council requests additional eye witnesses. Until then I'm sure they'll be happily celebrating your father's victory." Whitley forced a sarcastic grin with a smug chuckle, then rolled his eyes as he turned to led them into the foyer. Scattered around the room were small groups of formally dressed guests. Waiters roamed the room with trays of wine glasses and hors d'oeuvres. Whitley stopped in the middle of the room, turned to Ironwood's group, pointed to his right, and said, "For those of you joining us in the dining room, please follow me." He walked in the direction he pointed, crossing his arms behind his back.

Once the Ace-Ops had dispersed from us, Weiss said, "I'll be in touch." Weiss pointed to her ear, then headed to the staircase. She stopped at the base of the staircase upon seeing Whitley descending the stairs. He said, "Dear sister, I was hoping we could use this time to catch up." Weiss replied, "Oh─" Whitley cut her off amd said, "I have to know, why did you go through so much trouble to leave home, only to come crawling back?" He gestured as he spoke and ended his question with a smug grin. Weiss looked away and sighed, while the rest of us watched from across the room and Oscar said, "This might be a problem."

After we managed to execute a very ridiculous, but effective, plan to get rid of Whitley, we watched as he wiped some of the wine from his face and walked away. Weiss watched him leave, then looked over her shoulder at us. Across the room, Ruby and I were laughing, and Yang and Blake were smirking. Weiss took the opportunity to finally ascend the stairs. Once we caught our breath, Ruby turned to me and said, "You know, Ace, you always look good in a tux. Both now and back at the dance at Beacon." I smirked as I straightened my bowtie and said, "Well, it's not like I could come to this event in my usual outfit. It's not exactly formal or fancy. So I had to wear something more fitting." Ruby rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, and wearing a bowtie is totally more formal than a necktie." I smirked and said, "Say what you want. Bowties are cool." She smiled and shook her head before saying, "You're lucky that I love you." I wrapped my arm around her and said, "I love you too, Ruby."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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