Vol. 1 Ch. 9 Dealing With The Past

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Ace's POV

I yawned as I woke up the next morning. As I sat up and opened my eyes, I noticed that both Bella and Ray's beds were still empty. Neither of them had come back from their date last night, which meant that they had missed the last transport ship to Beaconlast night. I got up and changed into my usual outfit, then went to the bathroom to do my usual morning routine for my left hand. It was functioning properly already, so I didn't need to do anything. As I walked out of the bathroom and back into the main area of my dorm, I saw the dorm's door slowly open and Ray and Bella quietly walk in and close the door. I smirked and said, "Welcome back, you two. I assume that you two had a great time?" They both blushed and Bella said, "Since we missed the transport, we both shared a hotel room. Things just sorta escalated from there." I smirked and said, "I see. So you two had sex last night?" They both slowly nodded and Ray said, "But we did use protection." I nodded and said, "Well, as long as you two are smart about it, I don't mind. Just don't have sex in the dorm whenever I'm in it, and I'm sure Mason would feel the same way. Got it?" They both nodded and I said, "Good. Now I'm going to get some breakfast. And make sure you tell Mason the truth, he deserves to know as well." They both nodded and I left the dorm.

I went to the cafeteria and got myself some food. I found Ruby sitting alone as she slowly ate a cookie from her plate. I frowned as I went over to and said, "Hey, Rubes. Mind if I join you?" She smiled a bit and said, "Not at all." I sat down across from her and said, "Hey, Blake will come back. Trust me." Ruby nodded and said, "You're right. So will you help me find her?" I smiled and said, "Of course." Ruby finished eating her last cookie and said, "I'll go get Weiss and Yang. Meet you at the air docking bays?" I nodded and said, "Sure." She ran off in the direction of her dorm. A few minutes later, I saw a pale Mason come into the cafeteria and sit down across from me. I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's wrong?" He replied and said, "I woke up to Ray making out with my sister." I nodded and said, "Well, that's something that'll take some getting use to, I guess. Did they tell you about what happened last night?" He slowly nodded and said, "Yes, and Ray told me that they'd always be safe and use protection." I smiled and said, "You can trust Ray with your sister. I've known Ray since we were kids." Mason nodded and said, "Oh, and I think Professor Goodwitch told me that Professor Ozpin would like to see you as soon as possible." I nodded and said, "I see. Well, I guess I better see what he wants." I pulled out my Scroll and sent Ruby a message.

When the elevator arrived at Professor Ozpin's office, I walked in and he said, "Ahh, Mr

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When the elevator arrived at Professor Ozpin's office, I walked in and he said, "Ahh, Mr. Dodger. Come in. Take a seat." I did as Ozpin said and asked him, "Professor, may I ask why you wanted to see me?" He smiled warmly and said, "Yes, I did. You see, Mr. Dodger, I called you up here to discuss something about your family with you." I nodded slowly and Ozpin continued, "When your parents died in that Bullhead crash that you somehow survived, they left everything to you in their will. Now since at the time, everyone thought you had died with them, some of the furniture and other belongings were divided up throughout the remainder of your family. But I believe that there are still some things in your old house that you can still get. The house still belongs to you through your parents' will. I feel no reason for me not to give you this." He handed me a house key and said, "Mr. Dod─Ace, your parents would be very proud of the man you've become." I thanked him and held back a few tears as I headed back to my dorm. Because I wasn't paying full attention of where I was going, I accidentally ran into someone. I quickly got up and said, "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I saw that I had run into Coco of all people. She looked at me and said, "Don't worry abou─hold up. What's wrong, Ace?" She wiped away my tears and we walked over to a nearby bench. I told her what Ozpin told me. When I finished, she gave me a hug and said, "How about we both go to your house together?" I smiled and said, "I'd appreciate that, Coco."

The two of us headed to the island of Patch and eventually stopped at a house near the city. It was obvious that nobody had been living there for roughly 7 years. The grass was tall and unkept, the siding was faded and had moss on it. Coco placed her hand on my shoulder and said, "We came all the way here. Might as well keep going." I nodded and said, "Thanks, Coco." She gave me a quick hug and we both carefully made our way through the brush to the front door. The old Welcome mat was still there. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the key Ozpin had given me. We went through the house and sorted through what things were still there. Ozpin wasn't wrong, besides the furniture and some clothes, most of the stuff had already been taken by other family members. One of the few things that I decided to keep was a necklace with a red ruby on it. I knew that it had been a gift from my dad to my mom. Most of the other things that I didn't want to keep were things that Coco and I agreed could be sold for money. I decided that I'd keep the house for once I graduated from Beacon and I could live there during summer break. Once Coco and I were done and had gotten back to Beacon, it was pretty late. I turned to Coco and said, "Thanks for your help today, Coco. I don't think I would've been able to get through all of that alone. So thank you." Coco gave me a hug and said, "Don't mention it. We're family. It's what we do." I hugged her back and said, "Yeah, you're right."

3rd Person POV

What neither of them knew, is that Ruby had seen Coco and Ace hug. And Ruby misinterpreted the meaning behind it. In reality, it was two cousins sharing a hug for emotional support and family related issues. But to Ruby, it was two of her classmates hugging after going on a date that ended well.

Ruby's POV

That's why he said he couldn't come with me, I thought to myself. He got a date with an upperclassman. But why didn't he just tell me the truth? Why did he lie and say that he had to talk with Professor Ozpin? I ran to my dorm and crawled into bed. Yang must've noticed that something was wrong, because she hopped up onto my bed and placed a hand on my back. Then she said, "What's wrong, Ruby?" I felt a few tears forming as I said, "Ace lied to me. He told me earlier that he had to talk to Professor Ozpin and he wouldn't be able to join us. But I just saw him and Coco hugging, but it didn't look like a friendship hug, it looked stronger than that." I felt some tears go down my face as I continued and said, "He lied to me and went out on a date with Coco." Yang gently rubbed my back and said, "I'm so sorry, Ruby. I know it'll hurt you to see him with someone else, but you should still tell him how you feel. Trust me." I slowly nodded as I kept crying until I eventually fell asleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, along with that bit of a plot twist at the end.
Master out.

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