Vol. 2 Ch. 20 Meeting Taiyang

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Ace's POV

After Torchwick had been arrested, I headed back to my dorm and packed up a few things of mine in a bag. As I was putting the last couple of things in my bag, the rest of my team entered the dorm and Ray said, "Why are you packing a bag, Ace?" I smirked and replied, "I'm going with Yang and Ruby to their house in Patch, so I can meet their dad since Ruby and I are dating. I probably won't be back until after break, but I'm not leaving until tomorrow morning." The three of them nodded and Mason said, "That sounds nice." I smiled and we all got ready for bed. Just as I was about to go to sleep, I heard a knock on the door. I got up amd said, "I'll get it." I opened the door to see Ruby standing there in her pajamas. I looked at her confused and said, "You need something, Petals?" She looked down and said, "I was wondering if we could... umm...." I raised an eyebrow at her and said, "If we could what?" She blushed and said, "If we could s-sleep t-together?" I smiled warmly and said, "If you want to, I'm okay with it. I assume Yang is okay with it as well?" She nodded and said, "She is." I smirked and led her into the room. We went over to my bed and I pulled back the covers on the bed. I laid down and Ruby crawled in next to me. I pulled the covers over us as Ruby scooted over to me. I gave her a quick but passionate kiss on the lips. When we pulled away, we both smiled at each other as she rested her head on my bare chest. I ran my fingers through her hair and said, "Goodnight, my lovely Rose Petal. I love you." She smiled and replied, "Goodnight, Ace. I love you too." I put my arm around her waist and we both fell asleep.

The Next Morning

I woke up with Ruby still fast asleep next to me, her head laying peacefully on my bare chest. I gently ran my fingers through her beautiful black hair with its red tips. She smiled in her sleep and nuzzled her head against my chest. I smiled and said, "Ruby, you're awake, aren't you?" She shook her head and said, "No." I smiled and kissed her hair. Then I grabbed my Scroll to check the time and said, "I think that we should probably get ready for the day. Don't want to keep your sister waiting too long." Ruby groaned and said, "But you're so comfy. I don't want to get up." I smirked and said, "I'll tell Yang not to get any cookies on the way to Patch." Ruby sat up and said, "I'm up!" I kissed her head and said, "Good. Now I'm going to get dressed. I'll meet you and Yang at the landing docks in a bit." Ruby nodded and said, "Okay."

Once she left the room, I went into the bathroom and changed into my usual topcoat jacket. I grabbed my bag and heard Ray say, "See you after break, Ace. I'm sure Ruby's dad will like you." I nodded and said, "I hope so." I left the dorm and headed to the landing docks. When I got there, I saw Yang and Ruby were already there waiting. I went over to them and Yang said, "You ready, Ace?" I nodded and said, "As I'll ever be." Ruby hugged my side and said, "I'm sure my dad will be delighted to meet you." I smiled as I gave her a quick kiss on the head and replied, "Thanks, Petals." She smiled and Yang said, "Let's get going then." I smiled and got onto the Bullhead with them. As we were riding the Bullhead, I noticed that Yang was holding a corgi. Curious, I said, "Yang, who's the corgi?" She smiled and said, "Oh, this is our dog, Zwei. He's a smart and friendly dog." I looked at Zwei and he looked at me. He barked twice in a friendly way, so Yang handed him to me. I held Zwei and said, "Hi, Zwei. I'm Ace." He barked again and started to lick my face. I chuckled and said, "Well, I think he likes me." Yang smiled and replied, "Zwei tends to be a great judge of character."

Eventually the Bullhead arrived in Patch. We got off and I followed Ruby and Yang to a house in the woods. I saw a man with blond hair that had two small strands sticking out from the top, and he was standing on the porch. Ruby noticed him and ran towards him, yelling, "Dad!" He hugged her and noticed me with Yang as we walked over. He looked at Yang and said, "Yang, what did I say about bringing a boyfriend with you?" She looked at him and said, "Who? Him? He's not my boyfriend!" He gave me a confused look and said, "Then who is he and why is he here?" I sighed and said, "I'm Ace Dodger." Ruby piped up and said, "He's my boyfriend!" Ruby's dad looked at me and said, "Boyfriend, huh? Why don't you girls go inside? I'm going to have a talk with Ace here." Yang and Ruby nodded and went inside. Their dad looked at me and said, "So Ace, how much do you care for Ruby?" I smiled and said, "I love her with all my heart. I'd do anything for her."

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