Vol. 3 Ch. 27 ...No More

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Ace's POV

When the Air Bus reached the ground, everyone got off and immediately started fighting off against Grimm and the hacked Atlesian Knights and Paladins. The rest of Team ABRN surrounded a Griffon attacking it with bullets and fireballs, as Bolin knocked a Knight aside. Reese spun her board and sliced through another as she passed by it. Nearby Sun and Neptune tried to hold back a Paladin, while Nora and Ren decimated another group of Knights, and Mason and I took on a pair of Ursa Majors. Yatsuhashi was fighting another Griffon while Fox dashed over from a pile of robot parts. Two Creeps rushed at Flynt who used his trumpet to send the first one flying. Neon and Reese used their weapons to freeze a second Paladin's legs in place. Weiss then arrived on the battlefield, and charged in but got swatted aside by its arm. Reaching his hand out, Mason yelled out, "Weiss!" Yatsuhashi tried to hold back a Paladin's fist with his sword, but he got overpowered and knocked back. The Paladin then turned to and started approaching a distracted Ren. Nora pushed Ren out of the way of the Paladin's incoming strike, taking the hit instead. Ren responded and said, "Nora! No!" He reached out to her, but got knocked back by the Paladin too. Coco and Neptune fired their weapons at the Paladin, but it was unfazed as Neptune said, "Uh, this is bad." Coco replied and said, "Well, I guess now's a better time than any. Velvet!" Velvet responded excitedly and said, "Really?" Coco answered, "Just make them count." Velvet nodded as she walks up to the Paladins and Weiss said, "What are you doing!? She's going to get hurt!" My cousin simply replied and said, "Just watch."

3rd Person POV

Velvet held her hand out as Anesidora glowed forming a scythe. Grabbing the copy of Crescent Rose Velvet leapt into the air, dodging cannon fire as she imitated Ruby's overhead spin, she descended slashing at the Paladin. She continued using the Hard-Light copies of other people's weapons combined with her Semblance, which allowed her to mimic different fighting styles, to use these copied weapons with a skill comparable to their original wielders. She then replicated Myrtenaster to deflect the Paladin's punch and land a few blows before pushing it back with an Ember Celica imitation. After she landed a few shots, she slid under the Paladin's fist, similar to Blake as she used a Gambol Shroud copy and used its string to trip over the mech, before moving to the second Paladin by lopping off its hand, and jabbing it in the head with the cleaver. Before it could react, it was immediately peppered with holographic bullets, thanks to a copy of Gianduja. As it moved forward, Velvet switched to using Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang to counter a blow, as she landed another few hits while landing a downward blow from above with a copy of Magnhild, severing a limb. As the first Paladin attempted to recover, Velvet immediately copied Floating Array, as she leapt off the second Paladin and sliced apart its legs before blasting it at full power. However, the first Paladin sucker punched Velvet. She was sent skidding from the blow, landing on her back as Coco cried out, "Velvet!"

At this, Coco unloaded her weapon on the Paladin to no avail, Neptune, Nadir, and Reese rushed to her side and added their own firepower. But the barrage had little effect and the Paladin continued to loom over Velvet. Furious, Weiss immediately rushed in past the others, as she instinctively used a summoning glyph, confusing her. When she got in between Velvet and the Paladin about to bring its fist down, she raised Myrtenaster defensively then closed her eyes and grits her teeth. A thud is heard as she looks up and discovered she summoned the arm and sword of the Arma Gigas she fought before, which blocked the Paladin's fist and bisected the machine in half. She took a brief look at her summoning before being surprised by a camera flash, which was taken by a smiling Velvet. Ace turned to Weiss and said, "Maybe you should've lead with that." But before they could take a breath, another advanced Paladin rushed in from the corner and began to charge at them. Sun responded and said, "You have got to be kidding me!"

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