Vol. 5 Ch. 33 Lionheart

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Ace's POV

RNJR, Qrow, and I entered the campus grounds of Haven Academy, which was devoid of any other people. We stopped in a courtyard, where Ruby smiled and wiped a tear from her eye. I grabbed her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers, and she sighed before saying, "We made it." I noticed that Qrow had stopped behind us, and while we continued on our way, he took a moment to glance around and let out a sigh. Then Ruby called out and said, "Hello?" As we continued down a hallway while following Qrow, Ruby called out once again, louder this time, and said, "Hello?!" Nora then suggested, "Maybe try louder?" Ren replied, "There doesn't seem to be anyone here." Feeling a slight bit of uneasiness as I looked around the empty academy, I said, "It's quiet. Too quiet. Where is everybody?"

Jaune replied, "Well, I guess school isn't really in session right now. Maybe that's it." Qrow responded and said, "No, this isn't right. Come on." Qrow hurried ahead as Ruby said, "Wait for us!" The rest of us quickly picked up the pace to catch up, and soon, all six of us are running to a pair of wooden double doors. Qrow came to a stop in front of them, drew his sword, and extended the blade as he said, "Get ready. There could be trouble." We followed his lead in drawing our weapons. Qrow brought up his foot and kicked the door open. Just on the other side, Leonardo Lionheart widened his eyes, threw his hands into the air, and let out a frightened scream. Jaune, Ruby, and Nora widened their eyes and screamed as well, while Ren and I gave the headmaster a confused stare. Standing on one foot with his eyes wide, Qrow suddenly looked down, lost his balance, and fell. Shortly after, Lionheart made a noise and briefly fainted. We let our weapons down and started, all of us dumbfounded, while Qrow sat up. Then Ruby said, "Uh, Professor Lionheart?" Lionheart gasped and sat up as he said, "Qrow! For crying out loud, you nearly scared me half to death!"

Qrow stood up with a growl and said, "Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?" Pulling a pocket watch from his coat and checking it, Lionheart replied, "Huh? Oh, right. Apologies. I guess time slipped away from me." Qrow replied, "You're joking." While Lionheart stood up and we put our weapons away, Nora asked, "Where is everybody?" Lionheart replied, "Ah, you must be the students Qrow mentioned." Ruby answered, "Yes, sir." She gave a loose salute and introduced herself, "Ruby Rose." Jaune introduced himself and said, "Jaune Arc." Posing with her arms held stiffly out to the sides, Nora went next and said, "Nora Valkyrie." Ren put his arms behind his back and said, "Lie Ren." I introduced myself next and said, "Ace Dodger." Lionheart chuckled and said, "A pleasure to meet you all. Leonardo Lionheart, at your service. I'm afraid most of my staff is currently away until classes resume, but─" Hearing this, Qrow briefly clenched his fists, then leaned in toward Lionheart and said, "What? Leo, you can't be serious. Who's guarding the Relic?" Lionheart responded and said, "Qrow, the children." Qrow replied, "Already know. I filled them in. What do you mean your staff is away?" As this information sinks in, Lionheart said, "You... filled them in?" Nora spoke up and said, "So, is this not going at all like anyone thought it would?"

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Ace running from Chibi Ruby after eating one of her cookies)

RNJR, Qrow, and I were gathered in Lionheart's office, with the headmaster sitting behind his desk. Lionheart spoke and said, "I have to say, Qrow, this all seems very reckless, even for you." Qrow replied, "No, reckless is leaving one of the Relics completely unguarded. It's not checking in with Oz for ages!" Lionheart answered, "There was nothing to check in about before the fall of Beacon, but since that day, Mistral has been in chaos!" He stood up from his chair, fists clenched as he continued, "Vale wasn't the only Kingdom to suffer that night. Everyone was watching. Every house in every Kingdom saw that poor girl ripped to pieces, saw monsters crawling over the city, Atlesian Knights attacking citizens... and then nothing. You could feel the dread in the air. With all that negativity, you can imagine what it was like when the Grimm came for us. Mistral's territory is the widest reaching in the world, you know, and that makes it infinitely harder to protect. We lost so many great Huntsmen, teachers from this very institution. And it's only gotten worse." Ruby spoke up and asked, "What do you mean?"

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