Vol. 5 Ch. 34 First Time All Around

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Ace's POV

When we got back to the house, Ruby immediately went upstairs to our shared room without another word. I looked at the others and said, "I'm sure that she's just a bit on edge after everything we've been through lately." They all nodded and Jaune said, "Well, if anyone can calm her down, it's you, Ace. You are her boyfriend afterall." I nodded and headed upstairs towards the bedroom. I opened the door to the room and found Ruby laying on the bed. I closed the door behind me and said, "Is everything okay, Petals?" She sat up and said, "I'm not quite sure. I mean we came all the way to Mistral, fighting every obstacle we came across along the way, and now we just sitting here waiting for some good news from Professor Lionheart." I sat down next to her and said, "Hey, look at it this way, Ruby. We still came to Mistral to protect both it and Haven Academy from Salem and her Grimm. We will prevent Haven from falling like Beacon did. Besides, the Ruby Rose that I know and love, she wouldn't be discouraged by having some time to finally rest and relax for a while after the long journey here." Ruby looked at me and wrapped her arms around me as she said, "Thanks, Ace. I needed to hear that." I smirked and said, "No problem, Petals. I love you too much to let you give up." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Ace."

She planted her lips on mine and we locked lips. The two of us kissed with lots of passion. Ruby then got on top of me and pinned me down, which surprised me. I pulled back and said, "Ruby... what are you─" Ruby cut me off with kiss, and it ended with me laying down on the bed and Ruby looking down at me with her face completely red. Then I said, "Ruby, this is a little─" She cut me off again and said, "Ace, just shut up for a little bit, will you.....?" Ruby kissed me and I kissed back. Ruby didn't seem to want to let up, and despite me trying to breathe for air, Ruby kept the kiss going. At the current pace of things, it was quickly starting to get too intimate far quicker than I was comfortable with.

Fortunately for me, we heard some commotion coming from the living room, which interrupted things between Ruby and I. We both heard Qrow's voice from the living room as he said loudly, "I found him!!" That caused Ruby to finally pull away from the kiss as she said, "Huh?! Uncle Qrow?!" I gasped and panted as I said, "Finally I can breathe....." Ruby looked back at me in shock and said, "Oh my gosh, Ace! I'm so sorry!" As I managed to catch my breath, I replied, "What the hell, Rosebud? I love our kisses, but you just took it to a whole another level. What's up with you?" She looked down and said, "I'm sorry..." I sighed and said, "Look, it's not like I didn't like it or anything. But I would rather prefer to breathe during it, you know?" She nodded slowly and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me. I just got so into it. A part of me wanted to go even further. I'm sorry." I placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "I'm not mad or upset, Rubes. I just wasn't expecting it to get that intimate that quickly. Tell you what, how about we go on a date tomorrow afternoon?" She looked up at me and said, "That sounds good. But why tomor─" She was cut off as we both heard Qrow's voice call out again as he said once more, "I found him!" I looked at Ruby and said, "Okay, we need to go see what the hell is going on. But we'll continue this conversation later, I promise." She nodded as we exited our room and headed towards the source of all of the commotion.

Just as we started to enter the living room, Ruby said, "What is going on out there?!" She stomped into the living room and added without hesitation, "Can't a girl makeout with her boyfriend in peace?!" I felt my face instantly heat up in response, then Qrow burped and chuckled, which caught Ruby's attention. She sighed and put a hand to her forehead exasperatedly as she said, "Qrow, did you get drunk again?" He replied and said, "Maybe." I then noticed that there was an unfamiliar boy at the door. He was short in stature. His skin was tanned and he had a faint, perpetual blush and freckles on his cheeks. His hair was dark brown and his eyes were hazel, the main iris being forest green, with accents of burnt orange and yellow around the pupil. He stepped inside as he looked at Ruby and said, "You have silver eyes." Ruby looked at him, a touch surprised. She turned to Ren and Nora, who shrugged again, before looking back at the boy. Before she could say anything, I pulled her behind me, not really trusting this strange boy, and I said, "Who are you?"

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