015 | the believer

Start from the beginning

They drove through a village and both of them looked out of the windows, staring at the angry looks of the villagers.

"Empire, New Republic. Its all the same to these people," Mayfield said.

Mando didn't even look at him or bother giving him any attention. And anyway, he knew how hard Allana had worked for the New Republic.

"I'm just saying that somewhere someone in the galaxy is being ruled," he explained, "Do you really think all those people died in wars fought by Mandalorians actually had a choice?"

Mayfield looked at Mando, not understanding why the man wasn't answering his conversation

"I'm a survivor just like you," he stated and that'd where Mando snapped.

He turned to look at him, "You and I are nothing alike," he stated bluntly, a harsh tone to his voice

"We bend the rules when we see desperate and you are oh so desperate," he said, a smirk on his face,  "You said you couldn't take your helmet off so, whats the rule?"

Migs Mayfield was taunting him. He knew from the second that he met Allana that to the two of them were in love.

Now, he was sure that they were in love because he could see the desperation in the Mandalorian.  You didn't spring someone out of jail for just some girl.

"Look, I'm just saying that we're all the same, everybodys got the lines they don't cross until it gets messy," he explained.

There was silence as Mando thought about it. As much as he respected the Mandalorian ways, he was going to do anything to get Grogu and Allana back.

Then they heard the comms going off, an explosion being heard over the static. They listen to the reports eagerly, "Juggernat four has been destroyed,"

Mayfield was panicking as they saw the explosion in the distance and the sound of a speeder driving forward.

"Pirates," Mando stated, getting up and grabbing his gun, "Keep driving, I'll take care of it,"

He climbed up the the roof, fighting off the pirates who were trying to board the ship. As he climbed back, having killed the pirates, he knew he would do anything for them.

He came back down, sitting in the seat as they drove back through the imperial base. They were being hailed as heroes for killing the pirates.

"Never thought I'd be happy to see stormtroopers," Mayfield said with a chuckle.

They stepped off, everyone cheering and clapping at their success. They just humbly walked away, Migs leading them around.

"All we gotta do is find a terminal," he said, looking at Mando as they scanned the area.

They made it through the over excited crowd. Din hated that it was the very people who had taken Grogu and Allana that he had to work with to get them back.

"It's probably in the officers mess," Mayfield said and they walked over.

He spotted it, going in to walk into the room whilst Mando stood guard. He was there for all of five seconds when Mayfield rushed back.

"I can't go in there?" He stated, eyes wide like he was in a state of panic.

Mando scoffed, he didnt know why this man would jeopardise Grogu and Allanas lives, "Why not?" He asked forcefully.

"That's Valin Hess, I used to serve under him. I'm not taking the chance that he recognised me. It's over," he explained..

Mando shook his head, "Lets just do thus quick and we can get out of here," he said, trying to convince him to do it.

"I can't do it. We have to abort," Mayfield stated, putting it his foot down on the instance.

Din shook his head again. He wasn't ready to let this go and find another way. He had to save them because he didn't know what awful things Moff Gideon was doing to them, or if they were even still alive.

"I can't," Mando said, desperate, "If we don't gt those co-ordiants, I lose them both forever. Give me the data stick"

"In oder to access the network, the terminal has to scan your face," Mayfield said.

That was the moment he was given the worst ultimatum ever. He had to choose between the Mandalorian creed or those that he loved.

It took him a second to stick his hand out and demand to get it, "Give it to me,"

Mayfield nodded, handing him the stick and watching as he walked away. That was the moment that he knew how devoted the man was to his family.

Mando clicked a few buttons on the terminal, watching as it scanned the mask. It made a beeping noise and rejected the image.

He took a deep breath, remembering everything that hr was fighting for, everything that he had to gain from doing this.

He reached up, removing the helmet from his head with a slight shake to his hands, holding it under his arm.

He looked into the machine, trying to act nonchalant as it scanned him, trying to act like this was the first time he'd taken the mask off in a group setting since his initiation.

"Facial scan complete," the machine said and he pulled the data stick, looking at it for a second before sticking it in his pocket.

He was about to put his helmet back on when a man called him and Mayfield over. Valin Hess. Din knew it was going to be a battle out.

1485 words

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