They both looked at her sheepishly, and she smiled to herself. She might be a pathetic girl who couldn’t defend herself, but she could still stop an argument dead, just like she used to with her parents. Mum, Dad, she missed them so much, even Eddy, her annoying little brother. She felt as if she should cry, knowing they were gone forever, but she couldn’t. She had dried up all her tears, and that terrified her more than anything else. Those men had taken more than they knew, they had taken her humanity.

Perfect, just as she thought she was beginning to feel a little better, all the shouting had brought her nausea back. Sarah groaned in frustration, knotting her fists and pounding them against the ground like a spoilt little brat. She hated that other people would see her like this but couldn’t control herself. She just had to let off some steam. Who cares what these idiots thought of her.

She saw Kyung open her arms wide for a hug, and within her cold, dead heart, she felt a small blossom of warmth. She shuffled down a bit and laid her head on the girl’s lap. Kyung began stroking her hair, reminding her of how her mum used to brush her hair when she was younger, and when she got older she used to help her dye it different colours. She had chosen the deep red only a couple of weeks ago, before the madness started, before her entire world, no, the entire world collapsed.

Opening her eyes, she stared at the roof and dreamed of a time when she was back in high school, having young Matthew Tyler chasing her around like a love struck puppy. He was so cute when he spluttered in front of her, despite being the ‘bad kid’ of the grade. He was really just a softie.

She noticed something moving around on the ceiling and watched as it crawled along, was it a possum? No, too big, and it didn’t look like it, she looked closer, straining her eyes to make out the features. As its bald, scorched head twisted to look down Sarah’s scream screeched through the room as the white goggling eyes stared down her.

The twisted creature resembled a vulture’s shape, its featherless wings covering most of its body except for its bald head. Its beaklike nose extended far from its body, pointing down at them as it shifted its grip on the roof. Twisting in its sudden fall, Sarah screamed once more as its wings opened to break its plummet, revealing a scrawny human body with its stomach and intestines clearly emptied from its body. The inside of its pale wings revealed trails of red blood as the thin membrane that covered its bony wings bled through the layers of tears and cuts that covered its wings.

Scrambling to her feet, Sarah grabbed Kyung’s hand, dragging her along as she ran for the nearest entryway, not waiting to see if anyone followed her. She heard another scream follow close behind her as she hurled herself down the small set of steps and past the pokies, briefly noticing the old woman from earlier, pieces of flesh ripped from her as if she had been eaten, and pieces of flesh still remained dangling from her face and arms.

Sarah would rather die than go back to the bar from before, even if those pigs weren’t there anymore. She turned down an aisle to her right and slid to a halt as she looked at the pile of bodies stacked neatly at the entrance to the next room. It was as if the hallway had been decorated in flesh and bones, creating a strange cave of blood and death. She turned to see the priest and woman rushing up towards her.

“Oh God, Oh God, is that a nest? Oh God!” The lady wailed. Great, just in case the creature had needed more help finding where they had escaped to, shit.

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