Chapter 15- A new lab

Start from the beginning

Jimin-...I'll have you know I do know what this device is.

Y/N- Yeah? What is it?

Jimin- I'll tell you later.

Y/N- See? You don't know. I win

Jimin- You're wrong. I'm just teaching you s lesson of patience.

Y/N- You're stalling. That's what you're doing.

Was that the tiniest hint of a smile?

Jimin- I've talked to Professor Anita this morning. 

Y/N- What did she say?

Jimin- Your rats are still alive, but at the same time still infected, and they can't figure out what's going on.

Y/N...I should be up there.

Jimin- Have you thought about asking Seokjin to continue your research here? With this epuipment, I'm sure..

Y/N- Oh, I have. A few times. He always says the same thing. He regrets that he asks for so much, but the professor needs my help, and so on...have you seen him since we came here?

Jimin- No. Have you?

Y/N- Not even for a moment. To be fair, he probably works at night and we're not allowed to stay.

Jimin- I see. Well, you could just give up and go back up there. I know how much your work means to you. I'm sure Seokjin would understand if that's what you're worried about.

I'm worried about leaving you here where you could get in trouble, you fearless fool.

Y/N- Let's be realistic. Who do you think will make a breakthrough sooner; them up there or us here? And also, I'm not concerned on Seokjin's approval.

Jimin- Really. He seems to be concerned about yours, in any case.

I wave my hand, dismissing the idea.

Y/N- I 'm gonna get us some coffee while you finish scrubbing that...whatever that is.

Jimin- It's a container.

Y/N- Container for what?

Jimin shrugs.

Y/N- Alright, then. See you soon.

At least we have a coffee machine right here...and the coffee is better than upstairs too. While waiting, my eyes capture an odd sight. The door a few meters away from the coffee machine, which is normally sealed stands slightly open and inviting. What could be in there? I look around. I'm alone, the echo of my footsteps the only sound in this part of the lab. It still says KEEP OUT, though...but if I miss the chance now, who knows when I'll get it again

Cautiously, I slip into the room. It's dark, save for the light of a lamp sitting on a desk filled with documents. On top of it, there's a folder marked "confidential". What do we have here....I flip the folder open and read the title. It says "Report: The rebirth catalyst experiments". What the hell...I needed to show this to Jimin right away! 

I grab the report and rush out of the office.

Jimin- Considering that you didn't bring any coffee back, I assume something important happened.

Y/N- Shoot, I forgot about the coffee...I found somethin though. Take a look.

Jimin furrows his brow as he  flips through the report.

Jimin- This is important. We have to study it immediately.

Y/N- We have no time. I have to bring it back before someone realizes I took it, or before they seal the door again.

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