"Oma, you are a clown."

"I'm serious."

"Ok. Let me get this straight. Your boyfriend broke up with you and now you're here telling me you should have accepted me and you don't see that as clown behavior? Really?"

She began to laugh with him but it was forced. She was offended but she couldn't let him see it.

"I also wish you'd accepted." He said out of nowhere and when she looked at his face she saw he was no longer smiling. He was serious.

"It's not too late." She said, taking her cue. "Nathi is unstable. She's only with you because you rejected her at first and because you keep fighting. She likes you because she knows she can't control you. That's not true love." This time, she couldn't blame alcohol for what she was saying. She was fully sober.

This however, had the opposite effect on Obi who scowled and got out of the bed as if he couldn't stand her any longer. He went out to the balcony and she went right after him.
"Who are you to talk? The only reason you think you like me is because you've been rejected..."

"No! I loved you even before..."

"Shut up." She gulped. He'd never been this sharp with her. "The only reason you ever started liking me in the first place was because you saw that someone else, Nathi, did. If she'd never come to the picture, I'd still be in the friend zone until someone else came along. You're both the same in that case."

He was wrong, but he had a point. She'd always liked him but only realized it when he started liking someone else. But she couldn't say anything, there was no convincing him.

He was staring at her and she didn't know what to do with herself. He was right. She didn't deserve anything. She probably wasn't even ready for any real relationship as she still had a lot to deal with.

As she turned to leave, feeling her eyes water for the first time since she took Asa to the hospital, she felt his warm hand on her wrist and at once she was facing him.

Without warning, his lips engulfed hers, setting her on fire just like she did him. His lips were warm and soft and she revelled in it as she shut her eyes, her body instantly warming up to the kiss. She wrapped her arms around him, marvelling at how their bodies fit perfectly together.
It felt so good, like her head was rotating. Nothing else mattered. Just the two of them. This was all she needed. Someone who accepted her for her. Her flaws, her beauty, herself, hook line and sinker.

She withdrew reluctantly, angry she had to stop the kiss and also afraid someone had seen them. As she stared into his eager eyes, she knew she loved him but she couldn't help thinking she was doing the wrong thing.

She loved him, but it wasn't fair to his girl. She could do anything, run, apologise, but she followed her heart. She drew him back and continued the kiss.


"You guys are acting weird." Nathi said after she'd asked a question twice and no one responded.

"How?" Oma said quickly.

"I don't know but something is wrong." She was looking at her boyfriend who wasn't saying anything.
"Is anything wrong, babe?"
He only grunted in response as he stared at his book like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Oma, despite her fear, rolled her eyes. Of course Nathi didn't care of she was acting weird. She only cared about her man.

"You know you can tell me anything. I'm here." Nathi continued, scooting closer to Obi. She looked... scared.
Oma felt bad for her. Maybe she'd been wrong, maybe she really genuinely loved him and now she was helping him cheat. She wasn't any different from the girl Asher had cheated on her with.

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