Chapter 28: "I love you"

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A month passed and Dani became more distant every day. She stopped talking about how she was feeling and started avoiding spending time with me, I was getting fed up with her childish behavior. I don’t understand why she keeps pushing me away, it hurts me every time I see her doing it.

I tried talking to her about it but she denied everything and we ended up fighting, we got into a yelling match and I told her I needed a break from her bipolar ass. I admit I was harsh on her, but she hurt me, plus I really think I need a break. If we have any kind of future then it’s going to get ruined if we keep seeing each other now.

It was now Monday morning and it was the third week of February, I told my friends what happened between us and they were furious with her, especially Ed.

-“This fucking bitch, I swear I’ll make her life a living hell”

-“She’s a selfish manipulative bitch” Izzy added.

-“Guys, please stop, I’m mad at her too but I still love her”

-“You are stupid Cam, you need to get over her, she doesn’t care about you as much as you care about her” Ed said and I gave him a sad look. I was dreading seeing her today in class.

Thankfully, when English rolled around there was a substitute in the class.

-“Ms. Miller is sick and I’ll be covering for her until she feels better”

She didn’t show up for the rest of the week or the week after that and I was starting to get worried. Was she really that sick, or was it an excuse to avoid me? It was Thursday and I decided to go to her house to see how she’s doing since she hasn’t been answering my texts.

I rang the bell and waited anxiously. She opened the door and her shoulder dropped as she saw me. She looked awful.

-“What are you doing here?” She mumbled frowning

-“I came to check up on you, I was worried” Her eyes were red and puffy and there were dark circles underneath. Her hair was messy and she was pale, she looked like she has lost some weight as well. She stepped aside and let me in. She closed the door behind me and we went to the living room. She sat on the couch and covered herself with a blanket. I sat next to her, she wasn’t looking at me, she stared at the floor. “How are you feeling?” I asked and she shrugged.

-“Like shit”

-“You are not sick, are you?” She shook her head no. “You don’t look well, when was the last time you slept or ate?”

-“I don’t remember. It doesn’t matter” My heart was aching seeing her like this, was I the reason she was calling in sick? I got up and went to the kitchen, I defrosted a pizza and popped it in the oven.

-“Maybe you should go lay down” She nodded and I helped her to her bedroom. She lay on the bed and I pulled the covers over her, as I was done she grabbed my arm and shot me an apologetic look, I gave her a small smile and went to the kitchen, I made a salad and took the pizza out of the oven. I went to the bedroom and she was laying on the bed awake.

-“You didn’t sleep?” She shook her head no “Come on, let’s go to the kitchen, dinner is ready”

-“I’m not hungry” She mumbled

-“When was the last time you ate a whole meal, not snacks?”

-“Last week”

-“Fuck Dani, you are going to end up in the hospital. You are eating. End of discussion” I pulled the covers and gave her my hand and helped her up. We went to the kitchen and I served her. She ate the full plate and so did I.

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