Chapter 26: "I can explain"

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It was now Saturday and I had an appointment with my doctor. She came to pick me up with her bike. I changed into the hospital gown and went for an x-ray. I changer back into my clothes and the doctor came.

-«Hello Ms. Thompson, how are you doing?»

-«I’m fine, thank you»

-«Take the splint off please» He looked at my hand and made me move it around.

-«Does it hurt?»

-«No» He made me do some other things and there was no pain.

-«It looks like it has healed well, you can take the splint off, but you need to careful for a week or two, take it easy and don’t overuse your hand. You might need some physical therapy, but that’s up to you, it doesn’t seem necessary.»

We talked for a little more and she took me back to my house, we sat at the couch and she cupped my cheek and kissed me.

-«It’s finally off baby»

-«Why so excited? Want to try the ladies?» I said moving my fingers and she rolled her eyes smiling.

-“Maybe” She winked

The bell rang startling both of us. I went to open the door.

-“Bitch whose is the motorcycle in your driveway?” Izzy exclaimed.

-“Huh? What are you two doing here?” I looked at both Izzy and Ed.

-“We came to see you and take you for coffee” Ed said and they pushed me aside and got in the house, it was only a matter of seconds until they came face to face with Danielle. They moved to the living room before I could stop them.

-“Ms. Miller?” They exclaimed and she dropped her head in her hands.

-“Bro, what’s going on?” Ed asked confused while Izzy was smirking. I looked at Dani.

-“Tell them” She said “There’s no point in lying”

-“Uhm, yeah, we are friends”

-“Bitch cut the crap, you two are definitely dating, there’s no way you aren’t”

-«We are» Dani said surprising me and Ed gasped.

-«You are? That’s fucking weird. Oh God please tell me she didn’t force you to” Ed said

-“No, of course not. Let’s sit down  and I’ll explain everything” We sat at the couch and Dani was sitting across from us.

-“Spill it” Ed said.

-“Well, we bumped into each other a couple times and started talking, I started crushing on her and I kissed her.”

-“So you did the first move?” Ed asked.


-“I knew you two were dating” Izzy chuckled

-“Are you okay with this?” Ed asked again

-“I guess” Izzy shrugged and he made a disgusted face.

-“What’s wrong with you, she’s our teacher and she’s a total bitch”

-“Stop it Ed, I get that the teacher part is kinda weird but she’s not a bitch”

Dani seemed more stressed than before and I got up and sat next to her.

-“You are going to end up hurt Cam” He said.

-“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, but I’m willing to take the risk because I like her.”

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