Chapter 40: "The prank"

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On Saturday morning Izzy came to pick me up and we went shopping for the things that we needed for the prank. We had gathered a little over 600 in the pay-pal account.

We asked each senior to bring a packet of balloons and if they have a car to bring some already filled with air. We bought twenty electric balloon pumps, they weren’t too expensive, and they would do the job effectively. We then bought fifty alarm clocks and fifty packets of balloons with 120 balloons each.

We spent 650 dollars, we let everyone know we had bought them. We met with a few seniors that Ed and Izzy were close with and we filled their cars with blown-up balloons, that way we would save time.

It was eight at night by the time we were done. Izzy drove me to Dani’s house.

-“Dani” I said as I sat next to her on the couch. “What’s the easiest way to break into the school?” She looked at me amused

-“I’m not telling you that”

-“Oh come on baby”


-“Why not?”

-“I’m not going to help you vandalize the school Cam” Her tone was serious “Whatever your plans are, leave me out of them.” I rolled my eyes

-“We are not vandalizing the school, it’s a harmless prank”

-“In the right entrance, the lock is broken, if you push the door with enough force it opens. There are no alarms and the security guard got fired last week and hasn’t been replaced yet”

-“Thank you baby” I pecked her lips

-“You did not learn this from me” She warned me and I nodded. The school’s parking lot was open so there were no obstacles. I texted everyone that we would meet at 9.3 in front of the right entrance. I spent the entire Sunday with Dani, she corrected some last assignments and I studied for Monday. 

Izzy and Ed came to pick me up and I told Dani I wouldn’t come back tonight, she rolled her eyes and wished me good luck.

We got to school at 9 and as Dani said it was easy to open the door. We turned the lights on and moved all the stuff from the car to the main hallway. I excused myself and went in Dani’s classroom, it was unlocked as she had left it. I took a chocolate bar out of my backpack and left it on her desk.

I went back to the others, we met the rest of the seniors and gave them instructions on how things should go.

Most of them had brought their own balloons, and some of them had even brought their own air compressors and alarm clocks. We got to work.

By 5.30 the alarm clocks were set in the lockers and the hallway was filled with balloons that reached just below the knee. We inflated more than 10000 balloons. We met with the morning janitors and they agreed to leave it untouched.

We got outside and waited in our cars for the first teachers and students to arrive.

The first teachers arrived at 7 and Dani was one of them. She pulled up in her motorcycle drawing the attention of most seniors, they were eyeing her intensely as she looked hot.

She was wearing black mom-fit jeans with white air forces and a white t-shirt. She took her helmet off and met with the rest of the teachers at the front door, they waited for the teacher that had the keys to arrive.

He arrived later than usual, at 7.30 and by that time there were a few other students, apart from the seniors, waiting to get in. We all got out of our cars and followed them, as soon as the door opened they gasped.

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