Chapter 3: "Jack"

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This time I got to school just five minutes before my first class, I didn’t want to run into Ms. Miller again. I paid attention and took notes, I needed to graduate this year. Then I went to find Izzy and we went to our class, during the lunchbreak I told them about yesterdays detention, and they were shocked, they didn’t expect a teacher to be so mean.

Sadly, Jack approached as we were leaving, he grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me to kiss me, I punched him in the face and he punched me back, soon were on the floor beating each other.

Izzy and Ed pulled me off him before the teachers arrived, he came onto me and swung at me a couple times, when the teachers came, they saw Jack punching me and me not doing anything.

They pulled him away and my friends took me to the nurse, everything was hurting. She gave me ice and told me to put it on my eye, Izzy was icing my hand and Ed the rest of my face.

-“Damn Cam, he messed you up this time” Ed said

-“I know, he is the captain of the football team after all”

-“I can’t believe he grabbed to kiss you” Izzy added

-“Can we please not talk about it?”

-“Ok” they said in unison.

Ms. Williams had been informed about the incident and she let Ed and Izzy stay with me for the rest of her class, I was informed that Jack got a two-day suspension and that I wasn’t going to get in trouble for standing up for myself. Before leaving the nurse’s office she looked at my knuckles and hummed disapprovingly.

-“If they hurt or get swollen you’ll need to wrap them up, for now icing is enough.” She said and let us go to our next class. We got in and sat at the back as usual, I paid attention but couldn’t take notes, my hand was hurting, I would have to borrow Izzy’s notes.

The bell rang and again I went and sat at the front she closed the door and sat back at her desk.

-“What happened to you?” She asked shocked and I just sighed, I didn’t want to talk to her. “do your homework”

-“I can’t, my hand hurts” She looked at me and her look softened a little.

-“Why did you and Jack fought?”

-“He grabbed my hand and tried to kiss me against my will so I punched him, but he punched back and well, he is stronger than me, but I still managed to give a few good ones” Her mouth curved up a little to what seemed like a smile.

-“I’m against violence but he had it coming, plus he deserved it” She said and I looked at her frowning. She went back to correcting papers and I sat there looking around.
“You should wrap your hand with a bandage, I assume your wrist hurts as well, right?” She said not looking up.

-“Yeah, it does, how did you know?”

-“I’ve punched people before”

-“That I don’t doubt”

-“What do you mean?” She looked up frowning

-“You are mean most of the time”

-“Only because you are annoying” She spat and I rolled my eyes, we sat in silence for the rest of detention.

The rest of the week was boring, detention with Ms. Miller was insufferable. The next week was boring as well, nothing happened, Ms. Miller was still a bitch, and she hasn’t stopped insulting and mocking me, I was fed up with her.

It was now Wednesday, and I really didn’t want to go to school, last night I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking of my mum, the date of her death was approaching, and it was really hard for me to focus on anything.

My first classes passed by quickly, during lunch I didn’t go to the cafeteria with my friends, instead I went to the library and read a book, on PE I told the teacher I wasn’t feeling well, and she let me sit on the bench.

-“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the nurse?”

-“Yes, it’s fine” I looked down.

-“What happened Cam, you seem down this week”

-“it’s something personal I’m struggling with Ms. I don’t feel like sharing”

-“Ok, if you want to talk about it I’ll be here” She smiled and I smiled back at her.

Jack hasn’t bothered me since that day but whenever I saw him on the hallways he would give me a weird creepy look. The bell rang and as I was about to enter the classroom a guy stopped me.

-“Hey pretty, would you like to go out with me?”

-“No, I’m sorry, I’m not interested”

-“So it’s true you are a dirty lesbo”

-“Shut up asshole” I said and made a move to push him but he grabbed my hand

-“Make me” he said coming closer to me, I kicked him and he let me go

-“Fuck off, bastard” I yelled

-“Ms. Thompson, language” I heard a familiar voice yell and I completely lost it

-“I don’t give a fuck” I yelled at her and she gave me a death stare

-“Don’t push it, you’ve been walking on a thin line since day one”

-“I don’t care, I don’t give a fuck anymore, If you want to suspend me do it, I’m done” I said and went to my seat.

-“Stay after class” she hissed and I rolled my eyes

The class passed awfully slow and Izzy and Ed tried talking to me but I wasn’t in the mood to talk or interact with people. The bell rang and I didn’t move from my seat. She closed the door and move next to me, she stood over me, probably expecting me to apologize.

-“Are you going to say something or are you going to sit there looking at me Ms.” I said

-“Your tone and language are unacceptable” “You parents must be so proud of you” She mocked and I lost it. I got up and sent the chair flying back.

-“You don’t know anything about my parents and you have no right to say what you just said” I yelled and a tear escaped my eyes.

I had to go, I didn’t want to break down in front of her. I grabbed my bag and turned to leave but she grabbed my wrist.

-“Don’t touch me” I hissed.

-“I’m talking to you” she yelled

-“No, you are insulting me and mocking me like you always do” I said and left.

I got home and cried myself to sleep, I couldn’t help but think about what she said, maybe I did disappoint them, maybe my mum was looking down wondering what happened to her little girl.

The rest week and the next week after that was just as awful, I was in an awful mood and felt as if I was letting my mum down with every choice I was making. I have been avoiding Ms. Miller since that day, I couldn’t deal with her right now.


Isabella (Izzy)

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Isabella (Izzy)

Isabella (Izzy)

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Edward (Ed)

Edward (Ed)

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