Chapter 24: "Back home"

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We woke up the next day at 1 in the afternoon.

-“Dani what the hell?” Her mum asked when she saw her.

-“A guy was harassing Cam and he started grabbing him and we ended up fighting” She explained and her mum smiled.

-“Hope you taught him a lesson”

-“She knocked him out” I chuckled and so did her mum.

She helped Dani wrap her hand with a bandage and gave both of us an ice pack.

-“At least we are matching now” I joked.

-“Yeah, I can’t wait to have to explain to the rest of the teachers why I look like I just got out of the ring.” I chuckled and pecked her lips.

-“Maybe it won’t be as bad until then.”

-“Sure babe”

Her parents cooked and Dani ate with them while I watched tv, I decided against eating after the last time.

When they were done we packed the last of our stuff and started saying our goodbyes.

-“Cam, can I speak with you for a minute” Her mum said and I followed her.

-“Is everything okay Mrs. Miller?” I asked worried and she hugged me.

-“Thank you”

-“I should be the one thanking you”

-“No Cam, what you are doing for Dani is remarkable, you bring out her old, kind and caring self, we haven’t seen her so happy in so long. She’s finally smiling and laughing and joking around, and you are the reason why. Please don’t give up on her.» I was smiling and tearing at her words, did I have such an impact on Dani?

-«I won’t Mrs. Miller»

-«You can call me Samantha.»

-«Well, thank you for letting me stay with you Samantha, and for the jacket, it is beautiful.» She smiled and messed my hair, we went back, said our goodbyes and I helped Dani load the suitcases in her car.

-«Can you drive?»

-«Yes, why?»

-«Because of your hand»

-«oh that’s nothing»

She started driving and I put some music on, and we sang along.

After a few hours of driving, we stopped at a roadside diner for her to rest because she felt tired. We stayed in the car and she lay on the back seat while I got us coffee. When I came back she had fallen asleep, I sat in the front seat and locked the doors, I didn’t want to wake her up yet.

-«Baby, wake up» an hour has passed and it was getting dark out. She hummed in response and I shook her a little. «Baby, it’s getting dark, we shouldn’t stay here anymore»

-«Are you scared?» she chuckled

-«A little, we are in a dark parking lot in the middle of nowhere in an expensive car and we are both too crippled to fight back if anything happens»

-«Speak for yourself» She raised her eyebrows «I can fight back»

-«Sure you can babe, now get up, you need to drive» She started driving again and I fell asleep. She woke me up when we reached her house.

-«Do you want to stay with me or do you want me to take you to your house?»

-«It’s up to you babe, I’m ok with either»

-«Ok you are staying with me then» We unloaded her car and went inside, the house was freezing. We turned the radiators and changed into our pj’s and cuddled on the couch under a blanket.

-«I’m exhausted, and my back hurts» She whined and I started massaging her shoulders and neck, she was tensed. She let out a moan and I giggled.

-«Oh yes Cam, that’s the spot» I couldn’t hold it back and I burst out laughing.

-«That’s what she said»

-«Very mature Cam»

We spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch until we were tired enough to go to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of coffee and breakfast, I looked for her but couldn’t find her.

-“Dani?” I shouted and she came out of her bedroom

-“Yes baby?”

-“Where the fuck did you come from?”

-“My office?”

-“Your what?”

-“Oh shit, you haven’t seen it yet?” She chuckled.

I shook my head no and she led me to the bedroom, in front of the closed door, she opened it and it had a fancy wooden desk with bookshelves around it and a huge window, it also had a couch and a coffee table.

-«Holy shit» She smiled and sat at her office chair, she wore a pair of glasses I haven’t seen before and went back to her work.

-«You wear glasses?»

-«Yes, I need them when I’m spending a lot of hours in front of a screen or when I have to focus on something for too long»

-«You look hot with them» She chuckled.

-«I need to work and you need to do your homework.» I nodded and went to the kitchen, I ate breakfast and then started with my homework, I had a lot of work to make up for and it wasn’t easy with my messed up wrist. After thirty minutes my hand started hurting and I gave up, I went to the bedroom and flopped on the bed.

-«Why aren’t you studying?» She used her mean teacher voice.

-«I was but my hand started hurting» I pouted and her expression softened again.

-«Aww baby, come here» she hugged me «You should ice it, let’s go get the icepacks» She gave me one and took one for herself, her cheekbone was bruised and slightly swollen.

-“Does it hurt?”

-“Yeah babe, it does” I leaned and kissed her cheekbone lightly, she still had her wrist wrapped in a bandage.

-“Is your hand any better?” She unwrapped it, her knuckles were slightly bruised and swollen. “I guess not”

-“I guess I’ve gotten soft since high school” She joked

-“It would be weird for a 25-year-old old woman to be going around punching people, wouldn’t it?”

-“I guess you are right, that’s your job now” She winked and I nudged her arm. “How is your hand by the way?”

-“It’s better, it doesn’t hurt as much, I will schedule an appointment with the doctor for next week” She kissed me and took the ice packs back into the freezer. She went back to her work and I managed to finish my math homework.

We ate and then sat on the couch and watched TV.



-“Never mind”


Around 7 in the afternoon she started cooking dinner. I went in her office and looked through the bookshelves, she had a lot of books, I started looking through some of them. Some were about English language and grammar and others were just literature.

-“Looking for something?”

-“Just looking through the books, is that ok?”

-“Sure babe”

-“Have you read all of them?”

-“Yes, and I have more upstairs” I looked at her amazed.

-“Which one is your favorite?”

-“I’m not sure, there are a lot of books that hold a special place in my heart” she smiled and I pecked her lips.

The next three days passed in a similar way, I managed to finish my homework and she did all the grading and planning she needed to, she gave me one of her favorite books and we read together cuddled on the couch.

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