Chapter 13: "I'll take care of you"

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The nurse woke me up again, this time the doctor was already in the room.

-“Good Morning Ms. Thompson”

-“Good morning” I mumbled

-“I came to check up on you, but I’ll come by in a few minutes when you’ll be fully awake.”

-“Ok, thank you” I smiled a little. The nurse started doing her thing changing the bandages again.

After she was done and I was fully awake she went and called the doctor.

-“Ms. Thompson, how are you feeling today?”

-“Okay I guess” I shrugged “The pain is there but at least now it’s manageable”

-“I see, can you get up?” I got up and walked around the room.

-“I don’t see any reason to keep you here, you can go home today, is there someone to come get you?”

-“Yes but they’ll be free after 1.3”

-“Okay then, just take it easy, don’t remove the splint and come back in a week for an x-ray. Oh and try to avoid riding for a while”

-“Okay, thank you” He left and the nurse showed me how to take off and properly adjust the splint, she then put ice on my wrist and left, the time was already 12.4. I wish I had Danielle’s number so I could tell her that I need her to pick me up. I decided to call Izzy.

-“Hey Iz”

-“Bro I have a class wtf?”

-“Can you give my number to Ms. Miller and tell her to call me?”

-“Sure, but we’ll have to talk about this”

-“Yep, we do” She hung up, she was probably in her class now. At 1.05 my phone rang.

-“Cam what’s going on?”

-“I’m getting discharged, could you come to pick me up?”


-“Get a car and also, can to bring me a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt or hoodie to wear?”

-“Yep, I’ll be there in 15 minutes.” The nurse came and helped me wear the splint, she then told me to call her when I’m ready to go. 10 minutes later the door opened and Ms. Miller walked in with a bag smiling at me. I got up and hugged her.

-“Here” She handed me the bag with the clothes, she turned around for me to change, I managed to slip the shorts on but I couldn’t wear the hoodie on my own.

-“Uhm I have an issue” I was wearing the shorts with the hospital gown on top, she turned around and looked at me.

-“I love your fashion choices, really unique” She chuckled

-“Stop it” I pouted “I can’t wear the hoodie on my own, my hand and arm hurt”

-“Uhm, I could try and help, but I’m not sure how”

-“I’ll turn around and take off the gown, I’ll put the sleeves on and then you’ll help me pull it over my head”

-“Ok” She agree and I turned around, I let the gown drop on the floor.

-“No peaking” I joked and she scoffed. She helped me wear the hoodie and I turned around, she came and put her hand around my neck to take my hair out, we were really close, she looked at me and smiled and all I wanted to do was to kiss her, I bit my bottom lip and she noticed and pulled away, she fixed my hair a little and then put her hand on my back.

-“Ready to go?”

-“Yes, I need to call the nurse first” The nurse came in and she made sure I was okay before leaving, I signed the discharge papers and we made our way out.

-“Are you ok?” She asked as we were walking.

-“Yes, I’m ok”



-“I don’t think you should stay alone, you are in pain and you need someone to help you” I shrugged, the only option would be to go to her place, if that happens we’ll end up being roommates, I’ve been spending more time at her house than I do at mine.

-“And what do you suggest I do?”

-“You can stay with me, or if you don’t want to you can ask Izzy if you can stay with her for a while.”

-“I don’t know, staying with Izzy wouldn’t be the best idea, her parents don’t like me, and staying with you could get you in trouble, what if someone finds out?”

-“How would they, it will only be for a while, until you get better, plus school stops in two days for Christmas.”

-“I guess you are right, but can we go from my place first?”

-“Sure” She helped me in the car and drove to my place.

-“How is my bike?”

-“It needs repairs but not too bad, it’s definitely in a better condition than you”

-“Oh thank you good to know” I chuckled.

She helped me off the car and then helped me pack some comfy clothes, she grabbed my backpack, and the bag with my clothes and made her way out of the door.

-“You didn’t have to carry everything”

-“As if you could carry them Cam”

We stopped at the pharmacy on our way home and I went and took everything the doctor said I would need.

We went home and I lay on the couch and watched TV while she cooked. She then called me and I went to the kitchen.

-“It smells amazing, what did you make?”

-“Creamy salmon pasta.”

She put two plates on the table.

-“Do you want something to drink?”

-“Just water” We sat down to eat.

-“Mmm, It’s delicious” I exclaimed after taking the first bite, she smiled.

 When we were done she took the dishes to the sink and we went to the living room, it was now 5.2 and I had to ice my hand, I got the ice and slowly started removing the splint.

-“Do you need any help?” She asked watching me carefully, I shook my head no and she scrunched her nose at the sight of my now bruised and slightly swollen wrist, I place my hand on a pillow in my lap and then put the ice on top of it.

-“It looks painful”

-“It is”

-“Can you move it?”

-“Yeah, a little but it’s too painful”

She came closer and hugged me gently, I leaned my head on her shoulder.

-“I hate seeing you in pain Cam” She said and I felt my heart flatter, she cared about me. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I knew it was a bad idea, I looked at her and she bit her bottom lip. I leaned towards her a little and she did the same, we looked at each other.

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