Chapter 12: "The accident 2"

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A nurse woke me up the next morning to change the bandages and make sure I was alright, it was the same one from Sunday.

-“Hello Ms. Thompson” she greeted me. She must have been in her early thirties and she was good-looking for her age.

-“Hello” I smiled. She lifted the blanket and started changing the bandages, it hurt but not as much as the first time.

-“So, your body is healing fast”

-“Oh that’s good, when will the doctor be here?”

-“In a few minutes, how are you feeling?”

-“Better, I guess, I just can’t wait to go home”

The door opened and a doctor walked in, it was a man in his fifties and he seemed really friendly.

-“Ms. Thompson, I’m Mr. Cooper, so it appears you were in a motorcycle accident.”


-"You are lucky, you could have died if you weren’t wearing a helmet on if you fell on a different angle»

-«Yeah, the nurse already told me»

-«So, the injuries are not serious, you should be careful to change the bandages once or twice a day to avoid infections, you should start removing the splint to ice your wrist, but make sure it stays as still as possible. Judging from what the nurse told me you should be able to leave in one to two days. Have you tried getting up?»

-«Yes, I did yesterday» I smiled.

-«Alright can you try again?»

-«Sure» I sat up on the bed and slowly stood up, I walked around the room and went back to the bed.

-«So, was it easier than yesterday?»

-«Yes, it didn’t hurt as much»

-«Alright, we have already taken x-rays and they show no fractures or internal damage, since you are improving you might be able to go home tomorrow»

-«Oh okay that’s great» I exclaimed

-«I will come by again tomorrow and I’ll tell you then.»

-«Ok, thank you Mr. Cooper.»

-«I will take the splint off and bring you ice, try to keep your hand stable»

-«Ok» She took the splint off and placed my hand on the bed next to my body. She came back with an ice pack and placed it on my hand, I checked the time and it was 12.2. I didn’t realize how fast two hours had gone by.

-«So, keep it on your hand for about half an hour, I’ll come to help you put the splint back on.»

-«Ok» She left and I was alone again, I couldn’t get my phone because it was on my right side and there was nothing else to do, I just laid there looking at the ceiling. Thirty minutes passed and the nurse hadn’t come yet, I waited for another ten minutes and the door opened.

-«Heyyy, how are you doing today?» Ms. Miller asked.

-«I’m better, but I’m waiting for the nurse to come by»

-«Oh, did you speak with the doctor?»

-«Yes, he said I might be able to go home tomorrow» I said with a smile.

-«That’s great»

-«Can you please press the nurse button for me?»

-«Sure» she got up and pushed the button, a few minutes earlier the nurse rushed in.

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