Chapter 29: "Date night"

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-«Be careful» I nodded and went home.

I wore a tight black turtleneck with gray suit pants, a matching blazer and black Chelsea boots. I styled my hair and wore a gold watch with matching rings and a matching necklace. As I was about to check my phone the bell rang.

I opened the door and Dani was waiting for me with a bouquet of red roses in hand.

-“These are for you my love” She said and leaned in and kissed me. “Ready for our first official date?” She asked smiling and I nodded, I was speechless.

We went to her car, she had taken the convertible, she opened the door for me and then got in on the driver’s side. We held hands for the entire drive. Thirty minutes later she pulled up to a fancy-looking building. She stopped the car and got out and opened the door for me. She then gave the keys to a guy and we walked in.

It looked like a palace, she led me to an elevator and pressed the button for the roof. The elevator door opened, and we came face to face with a roof garden, there were plants all around us and a table for two was set up in the middle. The lighting was soft and a guy was playing the violin.

-“Your eyes are shining” She said smiling and I turned to look at her.

-“How did you do all these?”

-“It’s one of my parents’ houses and Emma helped me set it up” “Do you like it?” She asked smiling and I nodded enthusiastically causing her to chuckle.

-“It’s so beautiful” We went to the table she pulled the chair out for me. She sat on the other side of the table and I couldn’t stop looking into her eyes, they weren’t sad and tired anymore, they were shining.

A guy came and served us wine.

-“Muffin, are you drinking today?” I asked her playfully.

-“I am” She chuckled “But don’t call me muffin, it’s like I’m hearing my dad”

-“That’s not what I was going for, I’m okay with you calling me Daddy though” We burst out laughing.

-“If anything you should be calling me mommy” she smirked

-“Mommy sorry, mommy sorry mommy” I joked and she rolled her eyes.

-“Tik Tok has fried your brain” I fake pouted.

-“It has not”

-“I call Bullshit, I still remember the reference you used in my class the first day” I looked at her wide-eyed and then looked at the few people around us. “It’s fine, they’ve been working for our family for years”

-“Damn” The guy brought us a plate with some appetizers. “So, what are we eating?”

-“These are cucumber rolls with smoked salmon and cream cheese.” “And this is salmon sashimi and quinoa salad”


-“It’s raw salmon in thin slices, you are supposed to dip it in soy sauce”


-“Have you eaten sushi before?”

-“No, never” She looked at me shocked.

-“Well, you will today” She picked up a cucumber roll and fed me.

-“It’s nice” I said after swallowing it. We ate the appetizers and then a plate of different types of sushi rolls came. The guy explained what everything was.

-“Thank you, you can go now” She smiled and he nodded. She then turned to me.

-«Do I have to use the chopsticks?» I whined and she chuckled.

-«I’ll teach you» She got up and came to my side, she placed my hands on them and showed me how to move my fingers. I tried getting a piece but it slipped and fell instantly, she giggled and took her chopsticks and picked it up effortlessly. She then brought it to my mouth. I ate it and the pecked her lips. I tried to pick another piece and it fell right before I put it in my mouth.

-«Nooo, it was so closeeee, it’s not fair» I whined and she started laughing. She picked it up from the plate and ate it. «I give up» I pouted

-«Come on babe, try one more time» I did and failed miserably, I then poked the sushi with one of the chopsticks and lifted it but fell again, she giggled and I nudged her arm.

-«It looks like you are gonna have to feed me, otherwise I don’t think I’ll be able to eat anything. She moved her chair next to me and we started eating.

When we were done the guy picked up out plates and re-filled our glasses with wine for the third time.

-«Aren’t you driving?»

-«It’s fine, I will call the chauffeur»

-«You have a chauffeur?»


-«It hadn’t occurred to me that you are filthy rich. Why the fuck do you work?» She smiled.

-«Yes, my parents are filthy rich, but I don’t want to live off of them, I wanted to make something of myself. Plus sitting around all day doing nothing sounds boring”

-“And why did you choose to become a teacher?”

-“It had always been my dream, I grew up surrounded by books, classic and modern literature, poetry, philosophy and history books, in my teenage years I started adoring writing as well. I decided to become a teacher because I wanted to help kids love books, I wanted to show them that writing is a form of self-expression and just boring words written to fill up pages.”

-“That’s beautiful” I said and kissed her.

-“Sadly, my life took quite a dark turn. I wanted to be the teacher they would come to talk to about books, and even personal issues. I wanted to be someone they could trust, instead I became someone they are afraid of.” I could sense the pain in her voice. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

-“It’s not too late to change that babe, I believe you can be the teacher you’ve always dreamed. I know you’ve been hurt but you’ve picked yourself up again and you are starting to heal, it’s about time to take matters into your own hands and live the life you’ve always dreamed” A tear rolled down her cheek but she quickly wiped it off.

-“You should be a motivational speaker” she chuckled “I love you so much” She cupped my cheek and kissed me.

-“I love you too Dani” I said as we pulled away. “Look at you being all soft and lovey-dovey, who would have guessed” I pinched her cheek and slapped my hand.

She got up and took my hand, she led me behind the plants, close to the railing. The view was breathtaking, the sky was filled with stars and you could hear the violin in the background.

-“It’s so magical up here” She hugged me from behind and we started swinging to the melody of the violin. After some time we pulled away and just stared into each other’s eyes.

-“Did you have any pet names when you were a kid?” she broke the silence

-“I did”

-“I want to hear them” She said excited

-“My dad calls me monkey, because when he came home I used to ask him to pick me up and I clung onto him like a monkey. And my mum used to call me sparkle, because one time when I was five, I got ahold of the glitter we used for crafts at school and poured all over me and she had to come pick me up”

-“You’ve been causing trouble your whole life”

-“I guess I have” She pecked my lips, wind blew and she shivered. I took my jacket off and placed it on her shoulders.

-“But now you are going to be cold”

-“Then you’ll have to hug me to warm me up” We stayed there for a little longer before deciding that it got too cold.

We got in the car and she drove us home, she changed into her pj’s and gave me some as well. We lay in bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

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