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درون حلقۂ زنجیر ہوں میں
شکستہ خواب کی تعبیر ہوں میں
مجھے حیرت سے یوں وہ تک رہا ہے
کہ جیسے میں نہیں تصویر ہوں میں
مری باتیں تو زہریلی بہت ہیں
مگر تریاک کی تاثیر ہوں میں
میں زندہ ہوں حصار بے حسی میں
محبت کی نئی تفسیر ہوں میں
اک آئنہ بھی ہوں اور عکس بھی ہوں
کہ شہر سنگ کا رہ گیر ہوں میں
نماز شب کا سجدہ ہوں تصورؔ
اذان صبح کی تکبیر ہوں میں ؟


"I love him alot but he seems to be so distant." the girl was trying to control her tears but her red hooded eyes are telling the story of her unrequited love.

"Layla i don't know when i fall for him, he's married and..." The girl was constantly sniffing and looking here and there to control her tears.

"Don't hold back your tears Zhalay. Let this tears flow and cleanse your heart." Zhalay looked at Layla who gave her an encouraging look and then the tears started to fall like waterfall, with every drop her heart was getting lighter and lighter.

"Layla, why did he came in my life when we are not meant to be? Why did Allah put so much love for him in my heart?" Zhalay was asking the question many girls ask her whenever they seek for therapy.

Layla smiled and her eyes shone like the first ray of sunshine. She looked at her bracelet it was a black leather band and it has a name engraved on it عبدل منان encircling it, her eyes fixated on Zhalay. And she spoke in her soft tone that can make oppressors falls to their knees.

"Love is a very pure feeling. Allah has given us a way of life but how many of us follow that? Do we lower our gaze when a non mehram passes by? Even if we forgot to guard our eyes and accidentally falls in love who is not for us...then we always have a choice either to destroy ourselves by staying with that feeling or chose to turn our back, controlling ourselves. Eventually the second option is much better for the longest run. Time is a great healer, it heals everything. And you're doing great Zhalay, you've chose to turn your back on the man whose not yours. Just keep going strong like that, my dear."

Layla stood up from her chair and hugged Zhalay who is feeling much better now. She was right when she decided to go for therapy for her unbearable pain.

"You always makes me feel better and comfortable in my own skin Layla. Thank you so much for that." Zhalay hugged Layla tightly and she laughed.

Layla has studied mass communication but she didn't knew what has future holds for her. From blogging and hearing people's problems, she started doing it as her job. She is a good listener and advisor. The kind of person whom you can talk freely without any judgy looks. She's neither a certified therapist, nor did she portray herself as that.

"I should get going Layla. I will meet you next week Inshallah." Zhalay sad her goodbye kissing on her cheeks.

Layla was still standing where Zhalay has left her and her eyes went to the clock 3:07 PM. Her heartbeat raced and she quickly went towards the door locking it. Tears started flowing down her eyes, she was sitting on the floor holding her knees and crying silently.

Ten years ago somewhere in the Ocean,

She was feeling as if someone is beating her head and she couldn't grasp the hand of that person. Suddenly her windpipe felt clogged and a salty taste filled her mouth, she throw up and started coughing. "Water....water..." Her voice was low and indifferent.

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