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" a true best friend loves you even when
it seems like you've gone off the deep end."


Noor who was sitting in the lounge sipping her tea peacefully and enjoying a peaceful morning. Her eyes fall onto the newspaper that was discarded away on a table, she picked it up and read the highlighted headline. She was shooked to her core.



Noor read further more and as she was reading more and more, her face was turning pale, her hands shaking.

"The family owns the infamous Baig's kitchen restaurant. The eleven members includes the owner Naeem Baig, his wife Marina Baig and Daughter Bahar Baig, his brother and co partner Zeeshan Baig and Naila Baig, their son Walid Baig. As the reports say they all have been gathered for a family dinner. The House was light up on fire by the hands of Naeem Baig. Police was busy investigating the case, but they are affirmed that this was a mass suicide because their Restaurant has been indebt for years now. Surely this was...."

Noor couldn't read anymore, she can't believe her best friend she had met yesterday was dead. She threw away the paper and rushed out to her car. She was dialling Bahar's number constantly but it was of no use. She was crying, withing in pain, her Heart was aching.

The drive to Bahar's house was just a haze that came by and passed away. She stopped the ignition infront of the gates and saw alot of police force gathered around and media was trying to get in or take something valuable information out. When she looked up at the building, the intensity in her tears grew even more. Bahar's house was burned down badly, only fog and remanants of the horror of house fire could be seen. She was trembling, her legs were Shaking.

Noor fall onto her knees and started crying badly. She couldn't believe her best friend who was a beautiful young lady, now burned down in a mass suicide. She don't want to believe any of the cruel words or harsh reality that was bugging in her ears.

"Madame what are you doing here? This area has been sealed."

A police officer came near her, he was looking suspiciously at her.

"I'm Noor Alam, Bahar baig was my friend. I want to know what happened here."

Noor controlled herself from crying anymore and did what was right considering the situation.

"I'm ACP Haddad Mirza. Come with me."

Noor followed Haddad, and he took her inside his car. They both were sitting in the car facing eachother and Haddad was still looking suspiciously at her.

"I want to know how this happened? Tommorrow i had met Bahar in university she was happy...i couldn't believe she's dead."

Noor was crying uncontrollably and Haddad was getting irritated with her continuous weeping.

"Look Ms Noor, We are investigating the case and you're the only person who had came here to know about the Baig's and their mass suicide."

"Please you can trust me Sir. I will tell you everything about bahar and her family. I just want to know who did this. I don't believe that uncle would do such a thing. Naeem uncle loved his family alot especially Bahar. I know Their family was going through a tough time financially but this.....they can't be dead."

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