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"hate blooms, love dies. "


▪︎ Delhi, 1999.

A warm body breathing in his arms, he still couldn't believe she was with him like this, legs entangled together, arms wrapped around him, her hairs spread out on his pillow. All of it is true and real, Saba's gloomy face, heavy lided eyes and that beautiful smile that Zakariya Islam had been whipped over.

"Subah ba khair."

Saba was getting up from the bed but Zakariya caught her and snuggled closer to her.

"Thanks for making my dull nights beautiful and mornings shinny." Her cheeks turned red, on his blatant compliment. Its been four years they have been living together, but he had never complimented her like this. A knowing smile appeared on her face, back then she was just his little cousin and an underage wife, but now, a night together really changed the dynamics of their life. She shooked her head and kissed Zakariya's cheek.

"Sorry but I've to get up on any cost, today's my viva and I'm not planning to fail."

Zakariya nodded his head and let her go, because he was also getting late for his meeting with the party office. He was an activist for Muslim rights commission.


Saba was looking at him, worries return all over her face.

"I'll be alright." Zakariya smiled knowingly but his words didn't give any kind of peace to Saba, she was still standing their with her worries.

"Come here."

Saba sat beside him on his command.

"Why you're so worried for me? If i can fight with your greedy Mamu (maternal uncle) for you. I can also fight with the oppressor for the betterment of my community."

She sighed and looked at him with, love.

How can she forget it?

If it had not been Zakariya, she would be rotting in her Mamu's hell. Who was constantly fighting with her Taya for her Guardianship, he wanted to claim Saba's property and funds. Tried to abduct her, but it went all waste. Because Zakariya had already took her in his Nikkah, by that time. Saba didn't knew back then how lucky she was. Thinking about the past and her marriage, a smile made its way on her face.

"Ehh Saba Janan? One moment you're worrying and now smiling like a clown."

Zakariya's taunt brought her back from memories. She was going to hit him playfully but he caught her hands tightly, kissing her forehead gently, he whispered in her ear,"I will be alright, always. But for that you've to be myside for forever."

"Forever." They both said in unison and destiny laughed at them.


"Zakariya. Zakariya. Zakariya Sahab."

"Ya Allah. Why are you shouting Ahmed?"

Zakariya who had just come in the MHC, hearing the shouting of Ahmed got startled. When he came near him, he saw blood dripping from his knee, he made him seat on the nearby chair and worriedly asked him, " Ya Allah Khair, what happened to you Ahmed?"

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