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"ishq jaga ke, gal nal laga ke,
Yun na nazar churavi..."


She was walking in the hallroom full of students. Her legs were moving but her heart was shattering into pieces. Her eyes were devoid of tears but her heart is bleeding, taking the burden of unshedded tears. Her lips were silent but her heart is screaming the screams of death. Her body is perfectly fine, but her soul was died down and now she was just a hollow human without any emotion.


Dawood was standing in the classroom, where they had first met and now all could she feel was how eight months had passed so easily. How this man has changed her. How this man has evoked the emotions in her she never knew about. How this man completes her without even touching her.

He was looking at her with a face he wasn't able to read. Dawood Qureshi was a man who can read a person just by their face and now the man wasn't able to read the face of the girl, that was his future or soon to be his past.


Dawood walked towards her, he was looking different today. Zahiah was feeling uneasy. She was feeling as if she'll loose her control and she doesn't wanted to do that. She had already chosen her side and now she wasn't going to back down even if it costs her everything.

"Hey. How're you? Its been a very hectic month you know."

Zahiah asked him casually playing with a strand of her hair. Dawood who was happy and calmly enthusiastic, seeing her this casual after a month of ignoring wasn't settling well with him. He holds her wrist in his hands and pulled her towards him. Her head collided with his broad chest. She would've cried in that moment but she hold back her tears and feel his heartbeat one last time. One last time she was feeling his arms around her tiny waist. One last time she was feeling his breathing in her fiery reddish ginger hair, that always felt at calm when they feel his breathe. One last time she was sniffing his cologne. One last time she was feeling everything for him.

"What is it? You're avoiding me for a month. Didn't picking up my calls and avoiding me in university? Did something happened?"

Dawood was still holding her in his arms like she was the most prized possession. She couldn't take this anymore. She had thought that she'll delay this meeting till the end of eternity, but everything happens on their destined time.

"Dawood I'm getting married. Actually for the past month i was with Jonah...you know we were having some fun before our marriage. And take this, i want you to come. You're the chief guest after all you're my bestfriend and you're going...."

Zahiah was holding her wedding invitation card. When Dawood taking that card from her hands threw it on the floor. He's eyes were bloodshot red and all he could think about was to murder Zahiah and then himself. But he controlled himself.

"Is this some kind of joke Zahiah? Am i joke to you?"

Zahiah was expecting this. She was prepared for this outrage and now she couldn't say a single thing.

"Its not a joke. I'm getting married and as a good friend you should be happy for me."

Dawood looked at her with mocking expressions.

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