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"your fingertips trace my skin the places
i have never been, blindly I'm following."


The sun was shining brightly, light rays were passing through the curtains falling on her beautiful face, illuminating her brown dusky skin, looking like a reaption of the first seasoned wheat. The sun rays were playing hide and seek with her, she wasn't the one to gave up easily and so was the rays, she turned on her left side sleeply checking her Phone, when she heard her mother's screaming and fall down on the floor, hurting her butt.

"Bahar...Bahar...come downstairs."

"Uffff Mummaaaaaaa."

Bahar said in a painful voice, rubbing her butt and frustratedly sitting up. Taking her phone and drapping her staller around she walked downstairs to listen to her mother's pleas, which will not stop until she saw her face.


"Mumma I'm here now please stop shouting."

Bahar said hugging her Mother and kissing on both of her cheeks.

"Bahar look at you, your in laws are sitting downstairs."

Marina baig, frustratedly pushed Bahar away and the smiling giggling Bahar was now fuming with anger, but she held herself strongly and composed herself.

"Mumma you know. I don't want to get married right now."

Bahar said holding her mother's hands and looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Bahar we are not forcing you my child, its just that we are just planning for an engagement ceremony. Thats it. The wedding will happen after your Graduation."

Marina holding her daughter's hand more tightly assuring her that everything's going to be alright.

"But Mumma..."

"No buts Bahar. They're waiting for you and please wear something decent."

Marina walked back giving her instructions and like a good obedient daughter, Bahar goes into her room and changed into decent pair of clothes, and by decent clothes in Bahar's language, it meant Long t-shirts with black jeans and a staller....ohhh how can we forget classic Bahar cateyes glasses.

Bahar looked at her one final time in the mirror and spraying a little bit of perfume, she walked back downstairs to greet her nonsensical in laws.

"Assalamu alaikum."

Bahar shouted on top of her lungs and everyone in the room looked at her with disapproval. She was everything but a disciplined lady.

When she saw her so called in-laws had been giving her disapproving looks, she felt extremely good and happy.

"Walaikum Assalam beta. Come sit with us."

Bahar looked at her paternal aunt, who was talking with her very sweetly she almost got a heart attack, she was going to sit beside her but then her eyes met with cold black eyes, the man who was sitting their like he owns the damn Place. A lot of emotions surged in Bahar's body, Love, hate, pain, anger....... loathing. Bahar looked away from him and sat besides her Aunt.

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