The Mother Ship

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"Pilar!" My brother called, I turned sharply on my heel. I was standing in my room, the dark walls making my mood sinister. Anger flowed through me like liquid lava, steam was coming out of my ears. What does he want now? He needs to be in the bathroom.

"What do you want now?!" I yelled, my little brother of eight stood in my doorway holding his Indiana Jones action figures. The innocent smile on his young face wavered.

"Can I borrow Darth Vader?" He asked, I crossed my arms. I glanced behind me at my bookshelf that was paved with Star Wars Novels. Darth Vader stood in front of them on the lip of the shelf with his hands on his hips, his black mask was shiny and new looking.

"Where is Vader going to be, and who is he going to be fighting?" I asked my anger vanishing. My brother looked down at his figurines and switched them from hand to hand.

"The bathtub," He said quietly.

"Wet or dry?"


"Tell you what, you go take a bath and when you're done. Then you can play with The Dark Father." I negotiated uncrossing my arms. I reached out and ruffled his hair, he scampered off to the bathroom. At eight years old he claimed he was scared to take a shower, I think he just liked to play with his toys. I closed my door and hopped onto my computer. It woke up, and the orange Star Wars rebellion emblem disappeared to show the "A New Hope" movie cover. I went to the internet, the search engine popping up almost immediately. I typed rapidly as I went to the Wiki site of my obsession. Wookiepedia. A pop up dinged on my computer. It flashed across my screen, screaming in my face "Something of Interest for those with the Force!" I stupidly clicked on it, and I was dragged to an advertisement. I sighed and ex-ed out of it, but my eyes caught a banner that read "worldwide security breach". My finger was already clicking on the "X". "Wait," I said to myself as I moved the cursor to the back arrow key. I hovered over the label of the "security breach". An article popped up, to some small website of an American newspaper.

The article was called The Empire Strikes Back.

"For those who love the world of the stars, this is for you. A Flagship, of the Empirical origin, has reached the outer rims of the universe. It has sent three Transport ships in our direction. They are expected to reach the Earth, in a matter of days." - Mark Thompson, Union Jack.

I immediately clicked the link to the website of the newspaper and went to the Contact Us link. I emailed them a vague paragraph of questions for the writer of the short, simple article.

Dear Mr. Thompson,

Good afternoon, I am Pilar Vand. I would like to ask you a few questions on your latest article, The Empire Strikes Back. I would like to know how you came about this information, and if at all possible contact me back. I have an obsessive passion about the Star Wars Enterprise, and I would like to know more. Thank you.

Pilar Vand

I didn't expect a reply so quickly, within a few minutes my computer let out a Wookiee battle cry, alerting me that I had a new message in my inbox.

Dear Ms. Vand,

I am taking a great risk of putting this information regarding the Flagship out on the Internet, but I assure you that the way I acquired this information is not relevant to your questions. I share your passion for the Wars and invite you to Comic Con in Sacramento, California. If you are able to make it there, let me know. I know that it may be too short notice. But all your questions would be answered by the Star Wars experts there.

Mark Thompson

I groaned inwardly, that was a hollow invitation. That whole "security breach" was probably a scam. Only an add for Comic Con or something. But all the same. I responded to him, in acceptance to his invitation. I'd always wanted to go to the convention. I went to the Comic Con website and bought two tickets. Thankfully my parents had enough money to throw around, we did live in Los Angeles, California for crying out loud. Felix would want to come too. He loves Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Plus, I don't think he would mind if I made him the coolest Yoda costume ever. It would give me something to do while he and my sister were at school. The Comic Con was only a couple hours drive, Mom and Dad wouldn't be home anyways. They were always gone, and Isla, my younger sister wouldn't care. She would be hanging out with her newest "groupies".

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