Chapter 3: Another Dragon Slayer

Start from the beginning

Neos: So you eat it raw?

She only nodded

Wendy: What are you doing here?

Neos: Oh you know. I'm just on a mission to catch a thief in this wood.

She began shaking in fear.

Wendy: I'm...sor-sorry.

Neos: Well the quest was a lie.

Holding up the quest paper and drop it on the fire, burning it.

Wendy: Huh?

Neos: That quest said a cure heartless thief but all I see is a young girl doing what she could to survive.

Tear began falling down her eyes.

Wendy: But I-

Neos: Do you want to join my guild?

Wendy: Guild?

Neos: Fairy Tail, a place for people who doesn't have a place to call home. Where everyone in the guild is considered family.

Wendy: Can I... really join?

Neos: Of course. So do you want to come with me?

Wendy: Yes!

Tear running her eyes taking his offer and going with him back to Fairy Tail. Out side of the guild.

Wendy: I'm so nervous. What if they don't accept me? I-I-

Neos: Calm down.

Wendy: But you done so much to help me, you give me food, give me a bath and you even bought new clothes for me. I-

Neos: They will accept you and beside there is already a fire dragon slayer in the guild.

Wendy: Really?

Neos: Yeah.

Wendy: Alright here go nothing...

Her hand reach for the door but froze in place after hearing what seem to be a fight happening inside.

Natsu: Take this you pervert!

Gray: Who are you calling pervert, Pinky!

Erza: Enough!

Neos kick the door open just as Gray and Natsu where flying at it. This send them both flying in opposite direction.

Neos: Is master here?

Makarov: You are back early. What seem to be the problem my boy?

Neos: I would like to introduce you all to our newest member.

Wendy: Uh. Hi. I'm Wendy Marvell and I'm a sky dragon slayer. And uh- uh- it's really nice to meet you all.

She quickly bow her head, suddenly even else erupted in cheer, since now Fairy Tail is having another dragon slayer. Makarov take Wendy to get her guild mark and introduce her to the guild.

Erza: You are back early.

Neos: Yeah, fault quest.

Natsu: Fight me Neos!

Neos: Huh?

Natsu: Fight me! I'm much more stronger than last time and this time I'm going to kick your ass!

Neos: I guess I could use a warm up.

Natsu: Hey! Who are you calling a warm up!?

Gray: Obviously you, fire brain.

Natsu: What was that snow man!?

Neos: Enough! How about you all came at me and I will take you seriously.

Erza: If that's the case then I will also join in.

Neos: Oh. And why is that?

Erza: I believe we never fought serious before this should be exciting.

Neos: Did you forget the last time we fought?

Erza: That one didn't count! You just electrocute me then left!

Neos: You were on the ground paralyzed, I have to take you to the infirmary.

Erza: This time it will be different!

Neos: We will see about that.

Out side in the field Erza, Natsu and Gray are facing Neos. This fight was something many people want to see for some time already.

Levy: Go Erza you can do it!

Erza: Requip: Starlight Armor. This time I won't lose Neos.

Erza requip into a white suit of armor with holding two blades in each hand.

Lisanna: Do your best Natsu!

Elfman: If big sis was here she would want to join in.

Natsu: I'm all fire up!

Flame erupt on Natsu hand

Cana: Make sure not to take off your underwear this time Gray!

Gray: This will be pay back for every time you beat us up.

Ice emitted on Gray hand

Neos: Triple Elemental Selection

A magic circle with 3 element symbol appear infront of him as he walk through it. Now their are three different Neos each using a different element.

Wendy: There are three of him now!?

Makarov: His elemental magic might seem normal at first but don't let the look fool you. Since he is Fairy Tail's wild card one of the strongest members in our guild.

Leaf: This is going to be fun.

Plant began to wrap around both his hand.

Water: Let get this over with, I'm tire.

Lying down on his floating ball of water, with a relax expression on his face.

Fire: Sleep later, we have show to perform.

Hitting both his hand together sparkling flame to burn passionately.

Wendy: Go big bro!

Leaf/Water/Fire: It's show time!

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