S2 Chapter 17: Mean Machines

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His office phone rang and Nelson picked it up.

Nelson: Thorndyke here. What is it? What's the matter, Ella?

Ella: I just thought you should know that I kept Chris home from school today because he has a snuffle in his nose.

Chris was laying in his bed.

Chris: It's no big deal, Dad, I'm totally fine.

Ella: I'm giving him plenty of fresh orange juice and he'll have a nice big bowl of my homemade chicken soup for lunch.

Y/n: And I got the softest tissues I could find, and I'll drop by his school later to get his notes and homework, we can't let him fall behind.

Ella: If he get some rest, I'm sure he'll be better in a day or so.

Nelson: But what if he gets worse? I'm leaving the office right now. Just tell Chris to sit tight!

He hung up.

Nelson: Suzy, get my helicopter ready immediately!

Suzy: What's wrong, Mr. Thorndyke?

Nelson: My son may be gravely ill. I've got to get home right away before it's too late.

He ran to the door.

Nelson: Suzy, get Ed from Home Appliances in here and tell him I want these complaints taken care of by the end of the day!

At the Thorndyke residence.

Mr. Tanaka was signing a contract with someone who delivered a vacuum. He gave the board back to the delivery man.

Delivery man: No tip? Lousy butler.

Everyone else along with Emerl was inside having cake and tea when Ella walked in.

Chuck: Well, how's our little patient feeling, Ella?

Ella: Right now he's taking a nice long nap. I'm sure the rest will do him lots of good.

Chuck: Wonderful.

Mr. Tanaka walked in.

Mr. Tanaka: Good news, Ella, your vacuum cleaner just came back from the repair shop.

Ella: Ah, welcome home, my little amigo. I hate to say it, but Mr. Thorndyke's company doesn't make the good products the way it used to. They're always breaking.

Chuck: Please forgive me, Ella. I would've fixed it for you myself. But lately I've been spending all my spare time trying to figure out what's wrong with Emerl.

Ella: Oh, sure, I understand, Mr. Thorndyke.

Cream: Is Emerl feeling sick too?

Cheese: Chao?

Chuck: Yes, when I examined him yesterday, I found that all his program data had been erased somehow.

Y/n: And the day before yesterday, you wouldn't turn on no matter what we did so I had to use some lightning to jump start his system.

Chaos: Luckily that worked out.

Amy: Poor Emerl.

Cream: Maybe I can take care of Emerl like Ella takes care of Chris.

Cheese: Chao, chao!

Vanilla: That's very thoughtful of you, Cream.

Y/n: You raised well, Mrs. Vanilla.

Spark: Y/n, why exactly are you going to Chris's school just to get his homework?

Y/n: It's not only that, I also scheduled a meeting with the school director.

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